
[GJ] Taught by Prof. Graham Jones

[HP] Taught by Prof. Heather Paxson

Introductory Lectures
1 The Good Life, and Its Meanings [HP]  
2 What Matters? [GJ]  
Module 1: Family [HP]
3 The Ideals (and Realities) of Companionate Marriage “Moral Moment” vignette due
4 The Moral Laboratory of Parenting  
5 Module 1 Recitation  
Module 2: Wealth [GJ]
6 Reciprocity Investigation paper 1 due
7 Money  
8 Work  
9 Module 2 Recitation  
Module 3: Sex [HP]
10 The Meanings of Sex Investigation paper 2 due
11 Being Sexual  
12 Sexual Bodies and Agencies  
13 Module 3 Recitation  
Module 4: Self-Cultivation [GJ]
14 Talent Investigation paper 3 due
15 Beauty  


In-class workshop led by Rana Chudnofsky of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine (BHI) at Massachusetts General Hospital

17 Module 4 Recitation  
Module 5: Belonging [HP]
18 Remembering and Forgetting  
19 Cultural Citizenship and Multiple Belongings Investigation paper 4 due
20 Module 5 Recitation  
21 Displacement, Loss and Crisis  
Module 6: Faith [GJ]
22 A Cause  
23 Progress Investigation paper 5 due
24 Religion  
25 Module 6 Recitation  
Concluding Session: Community
26 Community Final paper due