Final Paper

The final paper should be 1500–1600 words.

Go back to the personal moral moment you wrote about in the first weeks of class. Drawing explicitly on (and citing) at least three readings from the semester, and using insights and concepts from the course (e.g., moral trial/laboratory, gender proficiency, achieved/ascribed status, agency (& negative agency), the ‘I’ and the ‘Me’, belonging, cultural citizenship etc.), write an essay analyzing your own story through an anthropological lens.

One possible path is to contextualize the original moment socially, culturally, and/or historically. Another is to establish (by making an argumentative case for) parallels and/or points of contrast with other case studies that we have read. The general idea is to demonstrate what you’ve learned in the course by giving new meaning to your previous story. Do not presume that your reader has your previous “moral moment” assignment at hand. Instead, summarize the key players and moments of the story that you’re now contextualizing and interpreting. 

The final paper is due during the last session and is worth 20% of the final grade.