
"Moral Moment" Vignette

There will be one short (2 pages) writing assignment (“Moral Moment” vignette), which we will begin in class, due during Session 3.

Investigation Papers

Students will complete three (3) Investigation Papers (1500–1600 words each). Five of the subject modules we cover offer two options for Investigation Papers. Pick three modules on which to write, and for each select one Investigation option. Plan in advance which
Investigations you intend to do, since some involve coordinating with other people or travel to off-campus destinations. Each assignment requires collecting anthropological data using methods such as participant observation or interviewing, and then analyzing your findings through the lens of related readings. You must cite, quote, and engage relevant readings from the class in your papers.

Final Paper

A final paper (1500-1600 words) is due on the last class. It is not a research paper, but rather revisits your “Moral Moment” vignette by employing concepts and examples from the semester’s readings. Instructions provided several weeks in advance.