
[BR] =  Benhabib, Seyla, and Judith Resnik.  Migrations and Mobilities: Citizenship, Borders, and Gender. NYU Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780814776001.

For further reading related to the course topics, please see Recommended Readings (PDF).

Ses # Topics Due Dates
I. Introduction to a Gender Analysis and Feminist Critique of Immigration, Race and Nation


Gendering Immigration, an Introduction

No readings.


The Feminization of Migration and Migrant Otherness: U.S. and Global Perspectives

Gündüz, Zuhal Yeşilyurt. “The Feminization of Migration: Care and the New Emotional Imperialism.” Monthly Review 65:7 (2013): 32–43.

Kolářová, Marta. “Gender and Globalisation: Labour Changes in the Global Economy.” Czech Sociological Review 42:6 (2006): 1241–1257.

Manalansan, Martin. “Queer Intersections: Sexuality and Gender in Migration Studies.” The International Migration Review 40:1 (2006): 224–49.


Postcolonial and Feminist Theologies on Immigration: Varied Theological Perspectives

Ibrahim, Abadir. “A Not-So-Radical Approach to Human Rights in Islam.” Journal of Religion 96:3 (2016): 346–377.

 Kwok Pui-lan. “Unbinding Our Feet: Saving Brown Women and Feminist Religious Discourse.” Postcolonialism, Feminism & Religious Discourse. Edited by Laura E. Donaldson and Kwok Pui-lan. Routledge, 2002. pp. 62–81. ISBN: 9780415928878.

 Tseng, Timothy. “Beyond Orientalism and Assimilation: The Asian American as Historical Subject.” Realizing the America of Our Hearts: Theological Voices of Asian Americans. Edited by Fumitaka Matsuoka and Eleazar S. Fernandez. Chalice Press, 2003. pp. 55–74. ISBN: 978082723518.


Theorizing Gender, Race and Territory

 Balibar, Etienne. “Is There a Neo-Racism?” Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous Identities. Authored by Etienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein. Verso, 1991. ISBN: 9780860915423.

 Kretsedemas, Philip. Migrants and Race in the U.S.: Territorial Racism and the Alien/Outside. Routledge, 2013. Chapters 3 and 4. ISBN: 9780415658393.

 McWhorter, Ladelle. Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A Genealogy. Indiana University Press, 2009. Introduction and Chapter 4. ISBN: 9780253220639.


Colonial/Postcolonial Power and its Resistance: An Analysis of Patriarchy and Race/Racism

 Freire, Paolo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th anniversary edition. Continuum, 2009. pp. 43–124. ISBN: 9780826412768.

 Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “Can the Subaltern Speak?” The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. Edited by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. Routledge, 1995. pp. 23–28. ISBN: 9780415096225.

Stromquist, Nelly P. “Freire, Literacy and Emancipatory Gender Learning.” International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift Für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale De L'Education 60:4 (2014): 545–58.

II. Gendering U.S. Migration


Gendered Migration Flows and Labor Recruitment Practices

Bernhardt, Annette, et al. "This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Broken Laws, Unprotected Workers” (PDF - 1.1MB). National Employment Law Project. New York: NELP (2009).

Boehm, Deborah. “‘Now I Am a Man and a Woman!’: Gendered Moves and Migrations in a Transnational Mexican Community.” Latin American Perspectives 35:1 (2008): 16–30.

Lee, Catherine. “‘Where the Danger Lies’: Race, Gender, and Chinese and Japanese Exclusion in the United States.” Sociological Forum 25:2 (2010): 248–271.

Parreñas, Rhacel Salazar. “Migrant Filipina Domestic Workers and the International Division of Reproductive Labor.” Gender & Society 14:4 (2000): 560–580.


Gendering (and Racializing) Illegality

Enriquez, Laura. “Gendering Illegality: Undocumented Young Adults’ Negotiation of the Family Formation Process.” American Behavioral Scientist 61:10 (2017): 1153–1171.

Golash-Boza, Tanya and Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo. “Latino Immigrant Men and the Deportation Crisis: A Gendered Racial Removal Program.” Latino Studies 11:3 (2013): 271–292.

Kerber, Linda. “The Stateless as the Citizen’s Other: A View from the United States.” Chapter 2 in [BR].

Ngai, Mae M. “The Architecture of Race in American Immigration Law: A Reexamination of the Immigration Act of 1924.” The Journal of American History 86:1 (1999): 67–92.


Immigration Control and Hierarchies of Sexuality and Gender

Acosta, Katie. “Lesbianas in the Borderlands: Shifting Identities and Imagined Communities.” Gender and Society 22:5 (2008): 639–659.

Chapkis, Wendy. “Trafficking, Migration, and the Law: Protecting Innocents, Punishing Immigrants.” Gender and Society 17:6 (2003): 923–937.

Das Gupta, Monisha. “‘Don’t Deport Our Daddies!’: Gendering State Deportation Practices and Immigrant Organizing.” Gender and Society 28:1 (2014): 83–109.

Hicks, Heather J. “Suits vs. Skins: Immigration and Race in Men in Black." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 63:2 (2007): 109–136.


Gender, Sexuality and Women in Immigrant Faith Communities

 Kwok Pui-lan. Postcolonial Imagination & Feminist Theology. Westminster John Knox Press, 2005. pp. 100–121. ISBN: 9780664228835.

 Kwok Pui-lan. “Sexual Morality and National Politics: Reading Biblical ‘Loose Women.’” Engaging the Bible: Critical Readings from Contemporary Women. Edited by Choi Hee An and Katheryn Pfisterer Darr. Fortress Press, 2006. pp. 21–46. ISBN: 9780800635657.

 Lee, Jung Young. Marginality: The Key to Multicultural Theology. Fortress Press, 1995. pp. 29–76. ISBN: 9780800628109.

Stewart, Faye. “Filming Faith and Desire: Encoding and Decoding Identities in Angelina Maccarone's ‘Fremde Haut.’Colloquia Germanica, special issue: Framing Islam: Faith, Fascination, and Fear in Twenty-First-Century German Culture 47:1/2 (2014): 157–178.

III. Ethical, Sociopolitical and Theological Perspectives on Immigration Policy


Gender and Citizenship

Bhabha, Jacqueline. “The Mere Fortuity of Birth? Children, Mothers, Borders and the Meaning of Citizenship.” Chapter 5 in [BR].

Bosniak, Linda. “Citizenship, Noncitizenship and the Transnationalization of Domestic Work.” Chapter 3 in [BR].

Dauvergne, Catherine. “Globalizing Fragmentation: New Pressures on Women - Caught in the Immigration Law–Citizenship Law Dichotomy.” Chapter 10 in [BR].

Moghadam, Valerie. “Global Feminism, Citizenship and the State: Negotiating Women’s Rights in the Middle East and Africa.” Chapter 7 in [BR].


The Gender and Ethics of Immigration Policy: Reframing Communitarian and Cosmopolitan Perspectives

Carens, Joseph H. “Realistic and Idealistic Approaches to the Ethics of Migration.” The International Migration Review 30:1 (1996): 156–170.

Means, Angelia. “Intercultural Political Identity: Are We There Yet?” Chapter 12 in [BR].

Ruhs, Martin and Ha-Joon Chang. “The Ethics of Labor Immigration Policy.” International Organization 58:1 (2004): 69–102.

Silvey, Rachel. “Transnational Rights and Wrongs: Moral Geographies of Gender and Migration.” Philosophical Topics 37:2 (2009): 75–91.


Immigrant Identities and Values, in Relation to the Immigrant Church

 Cheng, Patrick S. Rainbow Theology: Bridging Race, Sexuality and Spirit. Seabury Books, 2013. Chapter 6, pp. 83–96. ISBN: 9781596272415.

 Choi Hee An. A Postcolonial Self: Korean Immigrant Theology and Church. State University of New York Press, 2016. pp. 9–114. ISBN: 9781438457369.

 Copeland, M. Shawn. “Body, Representation, and Black Religious Discourse.” Postcolonialism, Feminism & Religious Discourse. Edited by Laura E. Donaldson and Kwok Pui-lan. Routledge, 2001. pp. 180–198. ISBN: 9780415928885.


Faith-Based Perspectives on the Intersections of Migrant Rights, Human Rights and Women's Rights

Admirand, Peter. “The Ethics of Displacement and Migration in the Abrahamic Faiths: Enlightening Believers and Aiding Public Policy.” Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies. 40:4 (2014): 671–687.

 Choi Hee An. A Postcolonial Self: Korean Immigrant Theology and Church. State University of New York Press, 2016. pp. 115–152. ISBN: 9781438457369.

Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette, Genelle Gaudinez, Hector Lara, and Billie Ortiz. “‘There's a Spirit that Transcends the Border’: Faith, Ritual, and Postnational Protest at the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Sociological Perspectives 47:2 (2004): 133–15.

 Kang, Namsoon. Cosmopolitan Theology: Reconstituting Planetary Hospitality, Neighbor-Love, and Solidarity in an Uneven World. Chalice Press, 2013. Chapter 6. ISBN: 9780827205345.


Group presentations

No readings.