
Ses # Topics and activities Due Dates
I. Introduction to a Gender Analysis and Feminist Critique of Immigration, Race and Nation

Gendering Immigration, an Introduction

Introductions: Who are we?

View and discuss the film: Cohn, Peter. Golden Venture. 2006.


The Feminization of Migration and Migrant Otherness: U.S. and Global Perspectives

Discussion: How does immigration work today? Connecting the dots between neoliberalism and the feminization of immigration. (Dr. Kretsedemas)

Introduction to the individual presentations and blog assignment 

Postcolonial and Feminist Theologies on Immigration: Varied Theological Perspectives

Group exercise: Sharing the stories of your ancestors

Discussion: Assimilation Theory, Model Minority Theory and Immigrant Postcolonial Feminist Theology (Dr. Choi)


Theorizing Gender, Race and Territory

Discussion: Masculinized borders and territorial racism (Dr. Kretsedemas)

Sign-up deadline for the individual presentations

Introduction to the group project assignment


Colonial/Postcolonial Power and its Resistance: An Analysis of Patriarchy and Race/Racism

Group exercise: Privilege walk

Discussion: Colonial mind and its resistance: Liberative feminist theological approach (Dr. Choi)

II. Gendering U.S. Migration

Gendered Migration Flows and Labor Recruitment Practices

Discussion and small group exercise: The gendered structure of migrant labor markets (Dr. Choi & Dr. Kretsedemas)

Group project topic statements due

Individual presentation day 1


Gendering (and Racializing) Illegality

Discussion and small group exercise: Illegality as regulatory strategy, and gender/race/class as the normalization of illegality

Individual presentation day 2

Immigration Control and Hierarchies of Sexuality and Gender

Discussion and small group exercise: Deserving vs. undeserving victims? (Dr. Kretsedemas)

Individual presentation day 3

Gender, Sexuality and Women in Immigrant Faith Communities

Discussion: Marginality and its possibility of transformation by women

Small group exercise: The analysis of Biblical stories in a small group discussion (Dr. Choi) 

Individual presentation day 4
III. Ethical, Sociopolitical and Theological Perspectives on Immigration Policy

Gender and Citizenship

Discussion: The gendered dimensions of citizenship (and non-citizenship) (Dr. Kretsedemas)

Individual presentation day 5

The Gender and Ethics of Immigration Policy: Reframing Communitarian and Cosmopolitan Perspectives

Discussion: Cosmopolitan and feminist ethics for citizenship and immigration policy (Dr. Kresedemas)

Individual presentation day 6

Immigrant Identities and Values, in Relation to the Immigrant Church

Discussion: Immigrant identities (Dr. Choi)

Indvidiual presentation day 7

Faith-Based Perspectives on the Intersections of Migrant Rights, Human Rights and Women's Rights

Discussion: Hospitality in mutuality (Dr. Choi)

Individual presentation day 8
14 Group presentations