
Homework Assignments

Homework 1: Probability (PDF)

Homework 2: Simulation (PDF)

Homework 3: Regression I (PDF); EXEC-PAY Spreadsheet (XLS) (PDF)

Homework 4: Regression II (PDF); Hubbard Brewing Company Spreadsheet (XLS) (PDF); this assignment was optional.

Homework 5: Linear Optimization (PDF)

Homework 6: Production Management (PDF); Jordon Alloy Table 7.38 (XLS) (PDF)

Homework 7: Discrete Optimization (PDF); Dream Team Spreadsheet (XLS) (PDF)

Team and Individual Case Assignments

[DMD] = Bertsimas, Dimitris, and Robert Freund. Data, Models, and Decisions: The Fundamentals of Management Science. Dynamic Ideas, 2004. ISBN: 9780975914601.

Team Assignments

"Time-Critical Management of Airline on Ground (AOG) at Latin Airlines." Analyze and hand in your analysis of the case (one case per team).

Case Write-up: Read the case "Vermont City Electric." Analyze and hand in your analysis of the case (one case per team).

Individual Assignments

Ontario Gateway Case: Read the Ontario Gateway Case (at the end of Chapter 5 in [DMD]). Perform the case analysis modeling assignment for the Ontario Gateway Case described at the end of the case. Hand in a management memorandum presenting your conclusions with appropriate but concise back-up enclosures to support your recommendations.

Case Write-up: Read the case "Eurotel 3G License Valuation." Perform the analyses outlined at the end of the case and hand in a memorandum presenting your findings and conclusions. Your memorandum should include appropriate but concise exhibits to support your recommendations.

Filatoi Riuniti Case: Read and analyze the Filatoi Riuniti case at the end of Chapter 7 in [DMD], and (as described in Homework 6) construct a linear optimization model. Write up and hand in your answers to questions (a), (b), (c), (f), (g), (h), and (i), at the end of the case.

Case Write-up: Read the case "Endurance Investors" at the end of Chapter 8 in [DMD]. Perform the analyses outlined at the end of the case and hand in your answers to questions (a) through (j) in the assignment section of the case.

International Industries Case: Read (but do not hand in) the case "International Industries, Inc." at the end of Chapter 9 in [DMD]. We will discuss the International Industries Case in class.