McIntyre builds contortionist


"Recognizing actions using embodiment and empathy" by Robert McIntyre


[Note: If you discuss the paper or the assignment with another student—which we encourage—indicate whom you have talked with in your submitted composition. Of course your submitted composition must be written entirely by you.]

On a total of one side of one sheet of paper, using 10 pt type or larger, with standard interline spacing and margins, respond to all the following:

It is March, 2014. Winston has been thinking about how a program could recognize human actions, but he is getting nowhere, so he decides to waste some time reading his email. He receives a draft of McIntyre's thesis. He reads chapter 1, skims chapter 2, and reads 3 and 4.

“This is it!” he says. “This isn't just any MEng thesis, it has changed the way I think! It's definitely a candidate for the EECS MEng thesis prize; too bad I don't have time to do something about it before the nomination deadline.”

You volunteer to help and agree to supply Professor Winston with some talking points in the form of a draft nomination letter.