Grading Marks

Global Assessment

MArk Meaning
[Check] OK.
[Check +] Evidence of thorough understanding.
[Check -] Needs improvement.
[Check +/-, dotted] Shading toward direction indicated.
R Revise; probably you didn't follow instructions.

Local Observations

We use standard proofreader marks, including the following:

MArk Meaning
Awk Seems awkwardly put to me.
[Circle with tail] Get rid of this.
Stet Let it stand as it is. I changed my mind.

We also use these personal marks:

MArk Meaning
[Check] This is what we wanted or a reasonable alternative or a nice point. Roughly equivalent to "amen."
! Particularly nice point. I wish I had thought of it.
? I don't understand this.
hmmm Seems strange to me, albeit without a lot of thought.
X I don't agree with this, but I agree that it is a matter of opinion.
XX I really don't think this can be defended. Ask me about it if classroom discussion does not clarify why.
W Weaker argument than expected.
S Style objection. See style guide.