Lecture Notes

The lecture notes for this course are closely based on the course textbook:

Rabaey, Jan, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Bora Nikolic. Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. ISBN: 0130909963.

Use the chapter numbers below to find the slides corresponding to the lecture topics, available on the textbook web site.

1 Challenges in Digital IC Design

Course Overview
2 CMOS Inverter I

MOS Device Model with Sub-micron Effects
VTC Parameters - DC Characteristics
3, 5
3 CMOS Inverter II

CMOS Propagation Delay
Parasitic Capacitance Estimation
Layout of an Inverter
Supply and Threshold Voltage Scaling
SPICE Simulation Techniques
  Tutorial on Design Tools - Layout of a CMOS Gate, Extraction, SPICE, IRSIM  
4 CMOS Inverter III

Components of Energy and Power
Switching, Short-Circuit and Leakage Components
SPICE Simulation Techniques
5 Combinational Logic I

Static CMOS Construction
Ratioed Logic
6 Combinational Logic II

Pass Transistor / Transmission Gate Logic
Introduction to Dynamic Logic
7 Combinational Logic III

Dynamic Logic Design Considerations
Power Dissipation in CMOS
8 Combinational Logic IV

Power Consumption in CMOS Logic (cont.)
Leakage Power Dissipation
Logical Effort Sizing - Performance Optimization of Digital Circuits
9 Arithmetic Structures / Bit Slice Design

Adders, Multipliers, Shifters
Design Methodology
Layout Techniques and Mapping

Project Schedule and Guidelines
8, 11
10 Evening Session on Exploring Project Ideas

Finish Arithmetic Structures and Project Ideas
11 Guest Lecture by Prof. Tayo Akinwande

Integrated CMOS Processing
12 Sequential Circuits I

Classification / Parameters
Static Latches and Register
13 Sequential Circuits II

Race Condition
Dynamic Latches and Registers
Two Phase vs. Single Phase
  Quiz #1

Covers Inverter, Combinational Logic
14 Sequential Circuits: III

Pulse Based Registers
Latch vs. Register Systems
7, 10
15 Interconnect

Capacitance Estimation
Buffer Chains
Low Swing Drivers
Power Distribution
4, 9
16 Interconnect (cont.)

Issues in Timing - Impact of Clock Skew and Jitter
9, 10
17 Clock Distribution

Origins of Clock Skew / Jitter and Impact on Performance
Clock Distribution Techniques
Self-timed Circuits
18 Memory I: ROM / EPROM / PLA Design

Organization / Architecture
Cell Design
PLA Folding Techniques
19 Memory II: SRAM Design

Cell Design
Differential Sense Amplifiers
20 Memory III

DRAM Design
Single Ended Sense Amplifier
CMOS Scaling
  Quiz #2

Covers Arithmetic Structures, Inter-connect, Sequential Circuits and Memory
21 Advanced Voltage Scaling Techniques

DC-DC Converter Design
Performance Feedback
Dynamic Voltage / Frequency Scaling
22 Power Reduction Through Switching Activity Reduction

Testing in VLSI

Defects, Fault Models, Path Sensitization
Scan, Built-in-self Test, IDDQ
  Presentation of Final Projects  
  Presentation of Final Projects (cont.)