Learn Differential Equations: Up Close with Gilbert Strang and Cleve Moler

A colorful sphere inside a 3-dimensional grid.

Screenshot from the video Tumbling Box. (Image by The MathWorks.)


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Learn Differential Equations: Up Close with Gilbert Strang and Cleve Moler is an in-depth series of videos about differential equations and the MATLAB® ODE suite. These videos are suitable for students and life-long learners to enjoy.

About the Instructors

Gilbert Strang is the MathWorks Professor of Mathematics at MIT. His research focuses on mathematical analysis, linear algebra and PDEs. He has written textbooks on linear algebra, computational science, finite elements, wavelets, GPS, and calculus.

Cleve Moler is chief mathematician, chairman, and cofounder of MathWorks. He was a professor of math and computer science for almost 20 years at the University of Michigan, Stanford University, and the University of New Mexico.

These videos were produced by The MathWorks® and are also available on The MathWorks website.

Related Content

Gilbert Strang, and Cleve Moler. RES.18-009 Learn Differential Equations: Up Close with Gilbert Strang and Cleve Moler. Fall 2015. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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