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The Origin of the debate over collective action and public goodsOlson, Mancur. The Logic of Collective Action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1971, chapters 1-3. ISBN: 9780674537514. Suggested readingHardin, Garret. "The Tragedy of the Commons." Science 162 (1968): 1243-48. |
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The orthodox solutions to collective action problems associated with public goods provisionOlson, Mancur. The Logic of Collective Action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1971, chapters 4-6. ISBN: 9780674537514. Buchanan, James M. "An Economic Theory of Clubs." Economica 32 (1965): 1-14. Suggested readingsCornes, Richard, and Todd Sandler. The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1996. ISBN: 9780521477185. Ostrom, Elinor. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1990, chapter 1. ISBN: 9780521405997. Tiebout, Charles M. "A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures." Journal of Political Economy 64 (1956): 416-24. |
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Reconceptualizing self and societyUnger, Roberto Mangabeira. Social Theory: Its Situation and Its Task. Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2004, chapters 1-5. ISBN: 9781844675159. Sen, Amartya K. "Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory." Philosophy and Public Affairs 6, no. 4 (1977): 317-344. Suggested readingsHume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature. New York, NY: Penguin Classics, 1986. ISBN: 9780140432442. Miller, Byron. "Collective Action and Rational Choice: Place, Community, and the Limits to Individual Self-Interest." Economic Geography 68 (1992): 22-42. |
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Anti-necessitarianism and new social ordersUnger, Roberto Mangabeira. Social Theory: Its Situation and Its Task. Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2004, chapters 6-8. ISBN: 9781844675159. Bimber, Bruce, Andrew J. Flanagin, and Cynthia Stohl. "Reconceptualizing Collective Action in the Contemporary Media Environment." Communication Theory 14, no. 4 (2005): 365-388. Suggested readingsHabermas, J. The Theory of Communicative Action. Vol. I. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1984. ISBN: 9780807015063. ———. The Theory of Communicative Action. Vol. II. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1987. |
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The emergence of cooperationAxelrod, Robert. The Evolution of Cooperation. New York, NY: Basic Book, 1984, chapters 1-4, 6, and 7. Suggested readingsAxelrod, Robert. The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997. ISBN: 9780691015675. Ostrom, Elinor. "Collective Action and Local Development Process." Sociologica 3 (2007): 1-32. Sandler, T. Collective Action: Theory and Application. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press, 1992. ISBN: 9780472065011. |
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Trust and reciprocityAxelrod, Robert. The Evolution of Cooperation. New York, NY: Basic Book, 1984, chapters 8 and 9. Ostrom, Elinor. "Building Trust to Solve Commons Dilemmas: Taking Small Steps to Test an Evolving Theory of Collective Action." In Games, Groups, and the Global Good. Edited by Simon Levin. New York, NY: Springer, 2009. ISBN: 9783540854357. Suggested readingsBolton, G. E., and A. Ockenfels. "A Theory of Equity, Reciprocity, and Competition." American Economic Review 90 (2000): 166-193. Gambetta, Diego, ed. "Can We Trust Trust?" In Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, 1990. ISBN: 9780631175872. Hardin, Russell. "Trust and Society." In Competition and Structure: The Political Economy of Collective Decisions: Essays in Honor of Albert Breton. Edited by Gianluigi Galeotti, Pierre Salmon, and Ronald Wintrobe. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780521088206. Misztal, Barbara. Trust in Modern Societies: The Search for the Bases of Social Order. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1996. ISBN: 9780745616346. Ostrom, Elinor. "Collective Action and the Evolution of Social Norms." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 14, no. 3 (2000): 137-158. ———. Trust and Reciprocity: Interdisciplinary Lessons for Experimental Research. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation Publications, 2005. ISBN: 9780871546487. |
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Philanthropy: limitations and possibilitiesAndreoni, James. "Privately Provided Public Goods in a Large Economy: The Limits to Altruism." Journal of Public Economics 35 (1988): 57-73. Lange, Andreas, John A. List, and Michael K. Price. Using Tontines to Finance Public Goods: Back to the Future? Working paper 10958. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2004. Sugden, Robert. "Reciprocity: The Supply of Public Goods through Voluntary Contributions." The Economic Journal 94, no. 376 (1984): 772-787. Suggested readingsAndreoni, James. "Impure Altruism and Donations to Public Goods: A Theory of Warm-Glow Giving." The Economic Journal 100 (1990): 464-77. Bergstrom, T. C., L. Blume, and H. R. Varian. "On the Private Provision of Public Goods." Journal of Public Economics 29, no. 1 (1986): 25-49. Bochet, O., T. Page, and L. Putterman. "Communication and Punishment in Voluntary Contribution Experiments." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 60 (2006): 11-26. Sugden, Robert. "On the Economics of Philanthropy." The Economic Journal 92 (1982): 341-50. Ye, Maoliang, Plamen Nikolov, Lorenzo Casaburi, and Sam Asher. "Do Threshold Patterns Matter in Public Goods Provision?" Social Science Research Network (2008). Harvard University, unpublished manuscript. |
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Public-private partnerships, community activism, and public educationDavis, Gina, and Elinor Ostrom. "A Public Economy Approach to Education: Choice and Co-Production." International Political Science Review/Revue internationale de science politique 12, no. 4 (1991): 313-335. Mesch, Gustavo S., and Kent P. Schwirian. "The Effectiveness of Neighborhood Collective Action." Social Problems 43, no. 4 (1996): 467-483. Schaeffer, Peter V., and Scott Loveridge. "Toward an Understanding of Types of Public-private Cooperation." Public Performance and Management Review 26, no. 2 (2002): 169-189. Suggested readingsHong, Yu-Hung, and Barrie Needham, eds. Analyzing Land Readjustment: Economics, Law, and Collective Action. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2007. ISBN: 9781558441644. Ostrom, Elinor, Larry Schroeder, and Susan Wynne. "Analyzing the Performance of Alternative Institutional Arrangements for Sustaining Rural Infrastructure in Developing Countries." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 3, no. 1 (1993): 11-45. |
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Public healthBazzoli, Gloria J., Rebecca Stein, Jeffrey A. Alexander, Douglas A. Conrad, Shoshanna Sofaer, and Stephen M. Shortell. "Public-private Collaboration in Health and Human Service Delivery: Evidence from Community Partnerships." The Milbank Quarterly 75, no. 4 (1997): 533-561. Browning, Christopher R., and Kathleen A. Cagney. "Neighborhood Structural Disadvantage, Collective Efficacy, and Self-Rated Physical Health in an Urban Setting." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43, no. 4 (2002): 383-399. Mintz, Beth. "Business Participation in Health Care Policy Reform: Factors Contributing to Collective Action within the Business Community." Social Problems 42, no. 3 (1995): 408-428. Suggested readingsFlocks, Joan, Leslie Clarke, Stan Albrecht, Carol Bryant, Paul Monaghan, and Holly Baker. "Implementing a Community-based Social Marketing Project to Improve Agricultural Worker Health." Environmental Health Perspectives 109, no. 3 (2001): 461-468. Schwartz, Brian S., Cindy Parker, Thomas A. Glass, and Howard Hu. "Global Environmental Change: What Can Health Care Providers and the Environmental Health Community Do About It Now?" Environmental Health Perspectives 114, no. 12 (2006): 1807-1812. |
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Natural resource conservationCole, Daniel. "Climate Change and Collective Action." Current Legal Problems 61 (2009): 229-264. (forthcoming) Lubell, Mark, Mark Schneider, John T. Scholz, and Mihriye Mete. "Watershed Partnerships and the Emergence of Collective Action Institutions." American Journal of Political Science 46, no. 1 (2002): 148-163. Ostrom, Elinor. "Design Principles of Robust Property Rights Institutions: What Have We Learned?" In Property Rights and Land Policies. Edited by Gregory K. Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2009. ISBN: 9781558441880. Suggested readingsAgarwal, Bina. "Conceptualising Environmental Collective Action: Why Gender Matters." Cambridge Journal of Economics 24 (2000): 283-310. Ostrom, Elinor. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1990, chapters 3-5. ISBN: 9780521405997. |