
The readings in "Purcell" refer to the course textbook: Purcell, E. M. Electricity and Magnetism. Berkeley Physics Course. Vol. 2. 2nd ed.  New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, August 1, 1984.  ISBN: 9780070049086.

1 Introduction

Coulomb's Law, Superposition

Energy of Charge Distributions
Handout (PDF) (Courtesy of P. Sphicas, P. Fisher, H. Gao, and E. Katsavounidis. Used with permission.)

Purcell, Chapter 1
2 Electric Field, Electric Flux, Gauss's Law Purcell, Chapter 1
3 Energy Density of the Field

Electric Potential


Gauss's Law Revisited


Purcell, Chapter 2

4 Poisson and Laplace Equations


Uniqueness Theorem

Introduction to Conductors

Purcell, Chapter 2 and 3

6 Fields and Potentials around Conductors


Purcell, Chapter 3

7 More on Capacitance Purcell, Chapter 3
8 Current, Continuity Equation

Resistance, Ohm's Law
Purcell, Chapter 4
9 Quiz 1: Purcell, Chapters 1-3  
10 EMF, Circuits

Kirchhoff's Rules
Purcell, Chapter 4
11 Variable Currents, RC Circuits

Thévenin Equivalence
Purcell, Chapter 4
12 Magnetic Force, Magnetic Field

Ampere's Law
Purcell, Chapter 6
13 Special Relativity I: Spacetime Purcell Appendix A


Part 1 (PDF) (Courtesy of Peter Fisher. Used with permission.)
Part 2 (PDF) (Courtesy of Peter Fisher. Used with permission.)
14 Special Relativity II: Forces and Fields

Equivalence of Electric and Magnetic Fields
Purcell, Chapter 5
15 Ampere's Law Revisited

Vector Potential, Biot-Savart Law
Purcell, Chapter 6
16 Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law Purcell, Chapter 7
17 Mutual and Self Inductance

Magnetic Field Energy
Purcell, Chapter 7
18 RL Circuits

Undriven RLC Circuits

Phasor Representation
Purcell, Chapter 7
19 Quiz 2: Purcell, Chapters 4-7  
20 Make-up Exam  
21 Driven AC Circuits: Phasors, Impedance

Power and Energy
Purcell, Chapter 8
23 AC Circuits (conclusion)


Quality Factor and Resonance
Purcell, Chapter 9
24 Displacement Current, Maxwell's Equations Purcell, Chapter 9
25 Wave Equation

Electromagnetic Radiation
Purcell, Chapter 9

Purcell Appendix B
26 Radiation (cont.)

Polarization, Poynting Vector: Energy, Power and Momentum of Radiation
Purcell, Chapter 9
28 Poynting Vector: Energy, Power and Momentum of Radiation, Magnetic Properties of Materials

Transmission Lines
Purcell, Chapter 11
29 Final Exam