Complete citations for the required and recommended texts are given on the Syllabus.
Week 1. Introduction: A Media Archaeology of Islam | 1 |
Prior to first course meeting, please read the following (about pp. 20): [Qur'an] Suras pp. 1, 96, 68, and 73–74. Sahih al-Bukhari hadith collection, 1.1–5.
Part I: First Media | ||
Week 2. The Qur'an: Message and Medium, I | 2 |
[Qur'an] Suras pp. 78–114; 1–5 (ajza' 30, pp. 1–6). Sells, M. A. Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations. 2nd ed. White Cloud Press, 2007, pp. 1–31. ISBN: 9781883991692. Haleem, M. A. S. "Introduction." In The Qur'an. Translated by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem. Oxford University Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780199570713. [From his translated edition] |
3 |
Guest: Laura Marks [Marks] pp. 1–67. | |
Week 3. The Qur'an: Message and Medium, II | 4 |
[Qur'an] Suras pp. 6–16, (ajza' pp. 7–14). Rasmussen, A. K. "The Qur'an in Indonesian Daily Life: The Public Project of Musical Oratory." Ethnomusicology 45, no. 1 (2001): 30–57. Harris, R. "'The Oil is Sizzling in the Pot': Sound and Emotion in Uyghur Qur'anic Recitation." Ethnomusicology Forum 23, no. 3 (2014): 331–59. |
5 |
FilmThe Light in Her Eyes. Directed by Julia Meltzer and Laura Nix. Color, 87 min. 2011. Koran by Heart. Directed by Greg Barker. Color, 90 min. 2011. | |
Week 4. Message and Messenger | 6 |
[Qur'an] Suras pp. 17–36 (ajza' pp. 15–22). Ishaq, Ibn. "The Early Life of the Apostle of Allah" and "The Revelation." In The Life of Muhammad: Apostle of Allah. Translated by Edward Rehatsek. The Folio Society, 1964, pp. 17–67. |
7 |
No assignment. WorkshopIntroduction to media production, including basic film / sound recording; if time allows, also sound and video editing. | |
Week 5. Memory Transmission: Sunnah and Hadith | 8 |
[Qur'an] Suras pp. 37–114 (ajza' pp. 23–30). Half of class reads: Arabi, Ibn. Divine Sayings: 101 Hadith Qudsi - The Mishkat Al-Anwar of Ibn 'Arabi. Translated by Stephen Hirtenstein and Martin Nocutt. Anqa Publishing, 2008. ISBN: 9781905937035. [Preview with Google Books] Half of class reads: An-Nawawi. The Complete Forty Hadith. 3rd ed. Edited by Abdassamad Clarke. Ta-Ha Publishers Limited, 2009. ISBN: 9781842001158. |
9 |
No assignment. In-class activity on al-Bukhari, Muslim, and al-Suyuti. Present project 1, final discussion of Qur'an and hadiths. | |
Part II: Sensory Islam as Audiovision | ||
Week 6. Visual Islam: Writing | 10 |
[Messick] Skim "Introduction." Chapters 1–2 and 4, pp. 15–53 and 75–99. Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. "The Spiritual Message of Islamic Calligraphy." Chapter 2 in Islamic Art and Spirituality. State University of New York Press, 1987, pp. 17–36. ISBN: 9780887061752. [Preview in Google Books] |
11 |
FilmThe Clay Bird. Directed by Tareque Masud. Color, 89 min. 2002. [Messick] Chapters 7–9 and 11, pp. 135–87 and 203–31. Vismann, C. "Preface" and "Law's Writing Lessons." In Files: Law and Media Technology. Edited by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. Stanford University Press, 2008, pp. 1–38. ISBN: 9780804751513. Battles, M. "The House of Wisdom." In Library: An Unquiet History. W. W. Norton & Company, 2004, pp. 56–81. ISBN: 9780393325645. | |
Week 7. Visual Islam: Art and Architecture | 12 |
Guest: Azra Akšamija [Marks] pp. 153–318. Akšamija, Azra. "Nomadic Mosque: Wearable Prayer Space for Contemporary Islamic Practice in the West." Thresholds 32 (2005): 17–21. ———. "Cultivating Convergences: The First Islamic Cemetery in Vorarlberg, Austria." International Journal of Islamic Architecture 3, no. 1 (2014): 131–46. |
13 |
Trip to Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. "The Principle of Unity and the Sacred Architecture of Islam." Chapter 3 in Islamic Art and Spirituality. State University of New York Press, 1987, pp. 37–63. ISBN: 9780887061752. [Preview in Google Books] VideoAga Kahn Architecture Award. "2013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture Winner - Altach Islamic Cemetery, Altach, Austria." YouTube. Oct. 7, 2013. | |
Week 8. Visual Islam: Museums, Archives | No class meeting |
Self-guided trip to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. [Rumi] Everyone read "Prose Introduction" and "Exordium: The Song of the Reed." The rest is to be divided up among class, choose 2–3 more sections / stories that look interesting, and present briefly on what you read. Poetry of Hafez: choose 3–4 poems (ghazals or rubaiyat) and read carefully. FilmsSufi Qawwali: A Call to the West. Documentary by Najib Aminy. 13 min. 2014. Give Me Your Love: A Journey into Mevlevi Music. Documentary by Namerra Ahmed. 30 min. 2007. |
Week 9. Aural Islam: Poetry and Soundscapes | 14 |
FilmNew Muslim Cool. Documentary by Jennifer Maytorena Taylor. Color, 83 min. 2009. Mohaiemen, Naeem. "Fear of a Muslim Planet: The Islamic Roots of Hip-Hop." 2008. Sanghani, R. "Hip Hop Hijabis: Meet the Muslim Women Who Rap in Headscarves," The Telegraph. March 11, 2015. |
15 |
[Hirschkind] Chapters 1 and 3–4, pp. 1–31 and 67–142; Skim Chapter 2. Kittler, F. A. "The City is a Medium." New Literary History 27, no. 4 (1996): 717–29. | |
Part III: Networked Islams | ||
Week 10. Pilgrimage, Travel, and Gender | 16 |
Peters, F. Chapters 2, 3, and 6 in The Hajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places. Princeton University Press, 1995, pp. 60–143 and 266–316. ISBN: 9780691026190. Sharif, Al Khalifa. "Sacred Narratives Linking Iraqi Shiite Women across Time and Space." In Muslim Networks from Hajj to Hip-Hop. The University of Carolina Press, 2005, pp. 132–54. ISBN: 9780807855881. [Preview with Google Books] Amin, Betty Hasan. "Hajj in a Wheelchair." Azizah Magazine 1, no. 1 (2001): 39–43. |
17 |
YaShaheed. "Walk to Karbala, Ziyara of Imam Hussain, Arbaeen." YouTube, Dec. 28, 2011.View other short films about the hajj Explore "virtual" hajj, such as IslamOnline.net / Second Life and the Mecca 3D app | |
Week 11. Jihadist Circulations | 18 |
Guest: Rich Nielsen Miller, F. "Bin Laden's Genie and His Bottle: On Authority and Revelation through Audiotapes." Chapter 4 in The Audacious Ascetic: What the Bin Laden Tapes Reveal about Al-Qa'ida. Oxford University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9780190264369. Blair, D., et al. "Osama Bin Laden Files: A Preoccupation with the Media, and a Bewildering Bureaucracy," The Telegraph, May 3, 2012. Rose, S. "The ISIS Propaganda War: A Hi-tech Media Jihad," The Guardian, October 7, 2014. Marshall, A. "How ISIS Got its Anthem," The Guardian, November 9, 2014. Nielsen, R. A. |
Week 12. Muslim Media I: Protest | 19 |
Kurzman. "The Network Metaphor and the Mosque Network in Iran, 1978–1979." In Muslim Networks from Hajj to Hip-Hop. The University of Carolina Press, 2005, pp. 69–83. ISBN: 9780807855881. [Preview with Google Books] Sardar, Z. "Paper, Printing and Compact Discs: The Making and Unmaking of Islamic Culture." Media, Culture and Society 15, no. 1 (1993): 43–59. Srebermy and Khiabany. "Gender, Sexuality and Blogging." In Blogistan: The Internet and Politics in Iran. I. B. Tauris, 2010, pp. 87–132. ISBN: 9781845116071. [Preview with Google Books] |
20 |
FilmPersepolis. Directed by Marjane Satrapi. Color, 96 min. 2007. | |
Week 13. Muslim Media II: Islam in the Media | 21 | No assignments. "Work-in-progress" project presentations in class. |
22 |
Said, Edward W. "Islam as News" and "Knowledge and Power." Chapters 1 and 3 in Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World. Vintage Books, 1996, pp. 2–79 and 162–73. ISBN: 9780099595014. Plus one of the following (divided up in class):
| |
Week 14. Conclusion: Islam as Discourse Network? | 23 |
Asad, T. "The Idea of an Anthropology of Islam." Qui Parle 17, no. 2 (2009): 1–30. Kittler, F. A. "The Mother's Mouth." In Discourse Network 1800 / 1900. Stanford University Press, 1992. pp. 25–70. ISBN: 9780804720991. [Preview with Google Books] Zielinski, S., and E. Fürlus. "Introduction: Ex Oriente Lux." In |
24 | No assignments. Final projects open house & exhibition. |