Week 1 | Introduction |
Useful Word (and Date) List (PDF) Handout: Kinds of Societies (PDF) |
Week 2 | The Columbian Exchange | Useful Word List (PDF) |
Week 3 | Wilderness and Garden | William Cronon's Home Page |
Week 4 | The Disease Environment |
Session 2: Paper 1 due Useful Word List (PDF) The Great Plague of London 1665 The Bubonic Plague, the CDC's page on the Bubonic Plague. |
Week 5 | Science and Nature |
Session 2: Trip to MIT Archives Useful Word List (PDF) Handout: Systema Naturae ( Handout: Of the Cat ( Handout: Bestiary and Natural History (PDF) |
Week 6 | Landscape and Agriculture |
Useful Word List, Agriculture (PDF) Useful Word List, Landscape (PDF) |
Week 7 | Industry and Demography |
Session 2: Paper 2 due Useful Word List (PDF) Handout: The Shock of Industrialization (PDF) |
Week 8 | Conservation and Preservation | Useful Word List (PDF) |
Week 9 | Preparation for research paper |
Session 1: Paper 3 proposals due Session 2: In class exam |
Week 10 | Poisoning and Environmentalism | Rachel Carson Website |