
Some problems are taken from the textbook Introduction to Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics by Peter L. Hagelstein, Stephen D. Senturia, and Terry P. Orlando, New York, NY: Wiley, 2004, ISBN: 0471202762.

Problem Set 1 (PDF) ps1_mod.m (M)
Problem Set 2 (PDF) ps2_mod.m (M)
Problem Set 3 (PDF)

function_cyclelines.m (M), ps3p1.m (M), ps3p1b.m (M), ps3p1mod.m (M), ps3p3.m (M), ps3p3_movie.m (M) and ps3p3_movie2.m (M)

Problem Set 4 (PDF) rtplot.m (M) and rtwell.m (M)
Problem Set 5 (PDF) herm.m (M) and sho.m (M)
Problem Set 6 (PDF)  
Problem Set 7 (PDF)  
Problem Set 8 (PDF)  
Problem Set 9 (PDF)  
Problem Set 10 (PDF)  


Textbook Errata (PDF)