A diorama demonstrating water runoff and absorption created by students as their final project. Image by MIT OCW.
Susan Murcott
Juliet Simpson
MIT Course Number
EC.719 / EC.789
As Taught In
Spring 2019
Undergraduate / Graduate
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
D-Lab: Water, Climate Change, and Health is a project-based, experiential, and transdisciplinary course. Together with peers and experts, we will explore the vitally important interface of water, climate change, and health. This course addresses mitigation and adaptation to climate change as it pertains to water and health. Water-borne illness, malnutrition, and vector-borne diseases represent the top three causes of morbidity and mortality in regions of our focus. Students submit a term project, setting the stage for a lifelong commitment to communicating climate science to a broad public.