
Part I: Review of Firm Behavior and Market Theory
1 The Role of Government. Viscusi, W. Kip, John M. Vernon, and Joseph E. Harrington. Economics of Regulation and Antitrust. 3rd Ed. Chaps. 1 and 2. (Hereafter "VVH".)
2 Markets. VVH. Chap. 4.
3 Markets cont’d. VVH. Chap. 5.
4 The Dominant Firm and Strategic Competition. VVH. Chap. 6.
Part II: Economic Regulation
5 Introduction to Economic Regulation. VVH. Chap. 10.
6 Public Enterprise. VVH. Chap. 14.
7 Regulating Natural Monopolies: Electric Power Example. VVH. Chaps. 11 and 12.
8 Franchise Bidding: The Case of Cable Television. VVH. Chap. 13.
9 Dynamic Issues in Natural Monopoly Regulation: Telecommunication Example. VVH. Chap. 15.
10 Dynamic Issues in Natural Monopoly Regulation: Telecommunication Example 2. Council of Economic Advisors. Appendix 2: "Case Study of Finnish Wireless Cluster."

Klemperer, P. "How (not) to Run Auctions: The European 3G Telecom Auctions." Pp. 829-845.

11 Transportation Regulation. VVH. Chap. 17.
12 Review for Midterm Examination.
13 Midterm Examination in Class, Closed Book.
14 Midterm Examinations Returned.
15 Problems of Regulation: The Case of UK Railway Privatisation. Pollitt, M. G., and A. J. Smith. "The Restructuring and Privatisation of British Rail: Was it really that bad?" Pp. 463-502.
16 Problems of Regulation: The Case of Californian Electricity Deregulation. Joskow, P. "California’s Electricity Crisis." Pp. 365-388.
Part III: Social Regulation
17 Externalities. VVH. Chap. 19.
18 The Value of Life. VVH. Chap. 20.
19 Environmental Regulation 1. VVH. Chap. 21.

Hahn, Robert W. "Economic Prescriptions for Environmental Problems: How the Patient Followed the Doctor's Orders." Pp. 95-114.

20 Environmental Regulation 2: Markets for Clean Air. Joskow, P. L., R. Schmalensee, and E. M. Bailey. "The Market for Sulfur Dioxide Emissions." Pp. 669-85.
21 Environmental Regulation 3: Regulating the Global Commons. Chichilinisky, G., and G. Heal. "Global Environmental Risks." Pp. 65-86.
22 The Regulation of Workplace Safety. VVH. Chap. 23.
23 Pharmaceuticals. VVH. Chap. 24.
24 Regulation of the Internet: Should the State have Protected Napster? Klein, B., A. V. Lerner, and K. M. Murphy. "The Economics of Copyright 'Fair Use' in a Networked World." Pp. 204-208.

Boldrin, M., and D. Levine. "The Case Against Intellectual Property." Pp. 209-212.

Silva, F., and G. B. Ramello. "Sound Recording Market: The Ambiguous Case of Copyright and Piracy." Pp. 415-442.

25 Conclusion. Revision for Final Exam.
26 Final Exam.