Illustration of a gold nanoparticle (Image from NIST). Nanoparticles have demonstrated the potential to serve as targeting therapies for disease.
Danya Lavin
Matthew Webber
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Fall 2013
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
Biomaterials are substances that have been designed to direct the course of any therapeutic or diagnostic procedure by controlling interactions with biological systems. A large toolbox of non-biological materials has been engineered to study cell behavior at the cell-material interface. In this course, we will examine how this interface can be leveraged to study cellular systems and generate novel therapeutics.
This course is one of many Advanced Undergraduate Seminars offered by the Biology Department at MIT. These seminars are tailored for students with an interest in using primary research literature to discuss and learn about current biological research in a highly interactive setting. Many instructors of the Advanced Undergraduate Seminars are postdoctoral scientists with a strong interest in teaching.