
Individual Business Write-ups

The brief individual write-ups (3 to 5 double-spaced single-sided pages) are to analyze the required readings for two classes of your choice, one during each half of the course. (One due no later than the 10th class and the second no later than the 23rd class.) Write-ups will be due at the start of class on the day the readings are to be discussed. Using the readings for the relevant class, bringing in other (credible) material, if you wish, the focus of each write-up should be analytically judgmental and evaluative of the business considerations (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, & threats) of that week’s discussion topic. You should be original and write what you think, not a summary of the views presented. The write-ups are worth 30% of your grade. 

Group Research Paper

This group project is due at the end of semester, (with possible presentation to the class), and will count for 40% of the grade. Your group will need to submit a written report or whitepaper on the potential for any one original blockchain-related opportunity within the financial sector—a private or public blockchain application in any country, market, or aspect of finance.

The length of the text should be 10–12 pages, single-sided and double-spaced (12 pt. font or less) and include as an exhibit a brief Powerpoint deck (no more than 8 slides) pitching your group’s use case to investors or a senior management team. You should ground your assessment in data as much as possible—and link your analysis to the themes and examples discussed in one or more of our classes. Depending upon the course enrollment, groups will be selected to present to the class during the last week of the semester based upon the material/proposals that best adds value for the entire class. You can work in teams of 3–4 people on this project.

Class Participation

Your active participation in the discussion during class is integral to the design of this course and counts for 30% of your final grade. Prior preparation of the assigned readings is essential background for the lectures and class discussions, particularly as we will build upon the material in our sessions. You should draw on your own experiences and perspectives as much as possible, but you need to do the reading in order to contribute effectively to the flow of the discussion.