
[AE] = Dimitris Bertsimas, Allison O'Hair and Bill Pulleyblank, The Analytics Edge, Dynamic Ideas, 2016. ISBN: 978-0989910897.

Topics Readings
1.2 Introduction to Analytics [AE] Chapter 11.
2.2 Predicting the Quality of Wine [AE] Chapter 1.1, 21.1.
2.3 Moneyball: Sport Analytics [AE] Chapter 4.
3.3 The Framingham Heart Study [AE] Chapter 7, 22.2.
4.2 Forecasting Supreme Court Decisions [AE] Chapter 1.3, 21.3.
4.3 Predicting Healthcare Costs [AE] Chapter 8. 
5.2 Social Network Analytics [AE] Chapter 16.
5.3 IBM Watson [AE] Chapter 3.
6.2 Recommendation Systems [AE] Chapter 13.
6.3 Clustering for Customer Segmentation and Patterns of Heart Attacks [AE] Chapter 9.1, 21.4.
8.3 Radiation Therapy [AE] Chapter 22.7.
8.4 Adwords Optimization [AE] Chapter 12.
9.2 Revenue Management and Sports Scheduling [AE] Chapter 5, 17, 22.6.