The game of Fiver begins with a grid of circles, green on one side and red on the other. Starting with all green, each move flips a circle and its four adjacent circles, until all of the circles are red. Optimizing the Fiver solution (solving in the fewest number of moves) is used in Lecture 10 (PDF) to illustrate Integer Programming techniques. (Image by Prof. James Orlin.)
Prof. James Orlin
Dr. Ebrahim Nasrabadi
(Teaching Associate)
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Spring 2013
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
This course introduces students to the theory, algorithms, and applications of optimization. The optimization methodologies include linear programming, network optimization, integer programming, and decision trees. Applications to logistics, manufacturing, transportation, marketing, project management, and finance. Includes a team project in which students select and solve a problem in practice.
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