Depiction of macromolecular crowding in E. coli. Illustration by David S. Goodsell, the Scripps Research Institute.
Prof. JoAnne Stubbe
Prof. Elizabeth Nolan
MIT Course Number
5.08J / 7.08J / 7.80
As Taught In
Spring 2016
Undergraduate / Graduate
Course Description
Course Features
- Video lectures
- Captions/transcript
- Assignments: problem sets with solutions
- Exams and solutions
- Recitation videos
Course Description
This course is an advanced treatment of biochemical mechanisms that underlie biological processes. Topics include macromolecular machines such as the ribosome, the proteasome, fatty acid synthases as a paradigm for polyketide synthases and non-ribosomal polypeptide synthases, and polymerases. Emphasis will be given to the experimental methods used to unravel how these processes fit into the cellular context as well as the coordinated regulation of these processes.