An illustrated robotic claw from the Model-based Embedded and Robotic Systems Group at MIT.
Prof. Brian Charles Williams
MIT Course Number
16.412J / 6.834J
As Taught In
Spring 2016
Course Description
Course Features
Educator Features
Course Description
This is a class about applying autonomy to real-world systems. The overarching theme uniting the many different topics in this course will center around programming a cognitive robotic. This class takes the approach of introducing new reasoning techniques and ideas incrementally. We start with the current paradigm of programming you're likely familiar with, and evolve it over the semester—continually adding in new features and reasoning capabilities—ending with a robust, intelligent system. These techniques and topics will include algorithms for allowing a robot to: Monitor itself for potential problems (both observable and hidden), scheduling tasks in time, coming up with novel plans to achieve desired goals over time, dealing with the continuous world, collaborating with other (autonomous) agents, dealing with risk, and more.
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