1 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:02,830 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,830 --> 00:00:04,370 Commons license. 3 00:00:04,370 --> 00:00:06,670 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,670 --> 00:00:11,030 continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:11,030 --> 00:00:13,660 To make a donation or view additional materials 6 00:00:13,660 --> 00:00:17,610 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:17,610 --> 00:00:18,520 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:26,040 --> 00:00:28,500 ELIZABETH NOLAN: Welcome to the class. 9 00:00:28,500 --> 00:00:30,990 We're going to discuss the themes that 10 00:00:30,990 --> 00:00:34,770 are going to basically permeate every topic 11 00:00:34,770 --> 00:00:37,050 and module we'll talk about here. 12 00:00:37,050 --> 00:00:40,140 And one of the central themes of this class 13 00:00:40,140 --> 00:00:41,910 is that we're interested in studying 14 00:00:41,910 --> 00:00:46,020 the cellular processes of life at a molecular level, right? 15 00:00:46,020 --> 00:00:48,240 So as biochemists and chemists, we're 16 00:00:48,240 --> 00:00:52,250 interested in this level of understanding. 17 00:00:52,250 --> 00:00:56,550 And what we see here is a cartoon depiction of the cell. 18 00:00:56,550 --> 00:00:59,640 And we see that there's many types of biomolecules 19 00:00:59,640 --> 00:01:02,800 in this environment. 20 00:01:02,800 --> 00:01:06,210 So what are our core themes for this year? 21 00:01:06,210 --> 00:01:10,890 First, we believe that life must be studied on a molecular level 22 00:01:10,890 --> 00:01:13,420 to truly understand it. 23 00:01:13,420 --> 00:01:16,990 And so we need to think about the cellular environment, 24 00:01:16,990 --> 00:01:21,570 both on a macroscopic scale, and on the molecular level. 25 00:01:21,570 --> 00:01:24,570 And this environment is complex, and it always 26 00:01:24,570 --> 00:01:26,100 needs to be considered, right? 27 00:01:26,100 --> 00:01:29,010 So as experimentalists in biochemistry, often 28 00:01:29,010 --> 00:01:31,680 we're doing experiments in aqueous buffer 29 00:01:31,680 --> 00:01:34,440 with proteins or some other biomolecule. 30 00:01:34,440 --> 00:01:38,160 How does that relate to a context like this one 31 00:01:38,160 --> 00:01:41,730 here where the environment is very different and much more 32 00:01:41,730 --> 00:01:44,220 complex? 33 00:01:44,220 --> 00:01:47,370 Something we'll see, especially in the first half, 34 00:01:47,370 --> 00:01:49,980 the first four modules of this course, 35 00:01:49,980 --> 00:01:53,730 is that in cells, complex processes 36 00:01:53,730 --> 00:01:55,860 are carried out by macromolecular 37 00:01:55,860 --> 00:01:59,160 machines and elaborate systems. 38 00:01:59,160 --> 00:02:01,950 And these systems are fascinating. 39 00:02:01,950 --> 00:02:06,854 You'll see that we know a lot, but as we learn more, 40 00:02:06,854 --> 00:02:08,729 there's more and more questions that come up, 41 00:02:08,729 --> 00:02:12,750 and more questions we need to address with that. 42 00:02:12,750 --> 00:02:16,140 In addition to these macromolecular machines, 43 00:02:16,140 --> 00:02:18,180 some additional themes for this course 44 00:02:18,180 --> 00:02:20,850 involve homeostasis and signaling. 45 00:02:20,850 --> 00:02:23,430 And these will be especially emphasized 46 00:02:23,430 --> 00:02:26,400 in the second half of the course when Professor Stubbe takes 47 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:27,720 over there. 48 00:02:27,720 --> 00:02:32,610 So how do we think about homeostasis and signaling 49 00:02:32,610 --> 00:02:34,710 in these contexts? 50 00:02:34,710 --> 00:02:39,420 Something that will come up again and again 51 00:02:39,420 --> 00:02:43,050 is how, basically, understanding cellular processes 52 00:02:43,050 --> 00:02:46,350 at a molecular level, or the molecular features, 53 00:02:46,350 --> 00:02:49,590 can help explain mechanisms of human disease, 54 00:02:49,590 --> 00:02:51,510 as well as therapeutics. 55 00:02:51,510 --> 00:02:54,240 So an example we'll see in the early part of this lecture 56 00:02:54,240 --> 00:02:56,010 involves the ribosome. 57 00:02:56,010 --> 00:03:00,270 So many antibiotics target the ribosome. 58 00:03:00,270 --> 00:03:02,820 And by understanding ribosome structure and function, 59 00:03:02,820 --> 00:03:05,790 we can understand how these small molecule therapeutics 60 00:03:05,790 --> 00:03:07,080 work. 61 00:03:07,080 --> 00:03:11,340 Another example involves the proteasome 62 00:03:11,340 --> 00:03:14,890 which we'll hear about in the second half of the course. 63 00:03:14,890 --> 00:03:17,070 So there's therapeutics that target the proteasome, 64 00:03:17,070 --> 00:03:19,290 for instance, for cancer. 65 00:03:19,290 --> 00:03:21,580 And cholesterol biosynthesis will come up, 66 00:03:21,580 --> 00:03:25,080 and how does our understanding of cholesterol biosynthesis 67 00:03:25,080 --> 00:03:28,980 lead to ways to treat coronary disease? 68 00:03:28,980 --> 00:03:30,750 Something that JoAnne and I really 69 00:03:30,750 --> 00:03:33,120 like to think about day-to-day and convey 70 00:03:33,120 --> 00:03:35,580 to you in this course is the importance 71 00:03:35,580 --> 00:03:39,570 of experimental design, and choice of methods. 72 00:03:39,570 --> 00:03:42,330 So as scientists and experimentalists, 73 00:03:42,330 --> 00:03:45,270 how do we think about designing an experiment, 74 00:03:45,270 --> 00:03:48,360 because that design is really critical to the outcome, 75 00:03:48,360 --> 00:03:51,030 and what we can make of the data? 76 00:03:51,030 --> 00:03:54,630 And so throughout lectures and recitations, 77 00:03:54,630 --> 00:03:57,130 things to keep in mind, and that we'll reiterate, 78 00:03:57,130 --> 00:03:59,540 are that all techniques have inherent strengths 79 00:03:59,540 --> 00:04:00,875 and limitations. 80 00:04:00,875 --> 00:04:02,250 And so it's something we all need 81 00:04:02,250 --> 00:04:05,130 to keep in mind when we analyze data 82 00:04:05,130 --> 00:04:08,820 and think about how an experiment was done. 83 00:04:08,820 --> 00:04:11,850 And these systems we're going to look at in 5.08 84 00:04:11,850 --> 00:04:13,680 are very complex. 85 00:04:13,680 --> 00:04:16,529 And what that means is that many different types 86 00:04:16,529 --> 00:04:19,470 of experimental method are needed 87 00:04:19,470 --> 00:04:21,570 in order to answer complex-- 88 00:04:21,570 --> 00:04:23,040 and sometimes not so complex-- 89 00:04:23,040 --> 00:04:24,510 questions. 90 00:04:24,510 --> 00:04:27,310 So one method alone just often isn't enough. 91 00:04:27,310 --> 00:04:30,150 We need insights from many different techniques and types 92 00:04:30,150 --> 00:04:32,080 of expertise. 93 00:04:32,080 --> 00:04:36,060 And so we look forward to informing you about different 94 00:04:36,060 --> 00:04:39,600 types of methods-- whether they be established and quite old 95 00:04:39,600 --> 00:04:40,890 or new-- 96 00:04:40,890 --> 00:04:43,690 that are important today. 97 00:04:43,690 --> 00:04:46,110 And as I alluded to before, something 98 00:04:46,110 --> 00:04:49,980 we have to keep in mind when doing biochemistry in the lab 99 00:04:49,980 --> 00:04:52,650 is that the test tube is very different from the cell. 100 00:04:52,650 --> 00:04:55,140 These environments are vastly different, 101 00:04:55,140 --> 00:04:59,160 and so we always need to think about how to relate data back 102 00:04:59,160 --> 00:05:03,230 to a cellular or physiological context. 103 00:05:03,230 --> 00:05:07,860 If you measure a dissociation constant of one micromolar, 104 00:05:07,860 --> 00:05:11,130 what does that mean in a cell versus one picomolar, 105 00:05:11,130 --> 00:05:13,200 for instance. 106 00:05:13,200 --> 00:05:16,830 Another point to make is that the hypothesis 107 00:05:16,830 --> 00:05:18,660 is a moving target. 108 00:05:18,660 --> 00:05:22,020 So we have the hypothesis, experiments 109 00:05:22,020 --> 00:05:23,910 are designed to test this hypothesis, 110 00:05:23,910 --> 00:05:25,560 and there's some outcome. 111 00:05:25,560 --> 00:05:28,500 Maybe that supports the hypothesis, maybe not. 112 00:05:28,500 --> 00:05:30,090 Or maybe there's some new insight 113 00:05:30,090 --> 00:05:32,460 from a related field that really changes 114 00:05:32,460 --> 00:05:34,380 how we think about something. 115 00:05:34,380 --> 00:05:37,260 So in many cases we're integrating 116 00:05:37,260 --> 00:05:41,070 data and insights that are quite new, and Professor Stubbe 117 00:05:41,070 --> 00:05:42,930 and I won't have all of the answers. 118 00:05:42,930 --> 00:05:46,470 And so that type of uncertainty is something 119 00:05:46,470 --> 00:05:50,670 that we aim for you all to gain some level of comfort with. 120 00:05:50,670 --> 00:05:54,710 So there's many complexities in primary data, often 121 00:05:54,710 --> 00:05:55,560 uncertainties. 122 00:05:55,560 --> 00:05:58,530 And that's just an aspect of this course. 123 00:05:58,530 --> 00:06:00,780 And scientists, it's something we grapple 124 00:06:00,780 --> 00:06:02,920 with every day in our own work. 125 00:06:02,920 --> 00:06:07,050 So we're introducing that to you here. 126 00:06:07,050 --> 00:06:10,620 And along those lines, just keep in mind, we know so much. 127 00:06:10,620 --> 00:06:13,710 And I think it's amazing, and-- if I step back and think 128 00:06:13,710 --> 00:06:15,750 about this for some of the systems 129 00:06:15,750 --> 00:06:18,360 we'll see-- actually overwhelming. 130 00:06:18,360 --> 00:06:21,720 And it's really due to dedicated efforts of many, many people 131 00:06:21,720 --> 00:06:23,620 over many, many years. 132 00:06:23,620 --> 00:06:26,580 But with that said, there are so many remaining unanswered 133 00:06:26,580 --> 00:06:30,390 questions, and we hope that you'll find inspiration 134 00:06:30,390 --> 00:06:33,600 in some of these questions as looking forward 135 00:06:33,600 --> 00:06:35,260 within this field. 136 00:06:35,260 --> 00:06:36,980 There. 137 00:06:36,980 --> 00:06:42,810 OK, so what about the cell and macromolecular crowding? 138 00:06:42,810 --> 00:06:46,920 Just to emphasize this point a bit more, 139 00:06:46,920 --> 00:06:49,620 here we have an E. coli. 140 00:06:49,620 --> 00:06:54,630 OK, so E. coli are laboratory workhorses for biochemists. 141 00:06:54,630 --> 00:06:58,110 They're fascinating, I love E. coli. 142 00:06:58,110 --> 00:07:01,470 But I just show you this simple E. coli cartoon 143 00:07:01,470 --> 00:07:05,970 and this depiction here to emphasize how crowded 144 00:07:05,970 --> 00:07:08,460 the cellular environment is. 145 00:07:08,460 --> 00:07:11,490 So we have an equal E. coli of about two microns long, 146 00:07:11,490 --> 00:07:17,180 and maybe half a micron wide, a volume of about a femtolitre. 147 00:07:17,180 --> 00:07:20,130 And if we think about the E. coli genome for a minute, 148 00:07:20,130 --> 00:07:23,430 it encodes about 4,000 proteins. 149 00:07:23,430 --> 00:07:25,230 That's a lot of proteins. 150 00:07:25,230 --> 00:07:28,770 And if we think about one E. coli cell of this small size, 151 00:07:28,770 --> 00:07:33,190 can just ask a simple question, how many ribosomes are there? 152 00:07:33,190 --> 00:07:35,580 So we all know the ribosomes are needed 153 00:07:35,580 --> 00:07:38,340 for polypeptide biosynthesis. 154 00:07:38,340 --> 00:07:42,820 How many ribosomes are packaged in one E. coli? 155 00:07:42,820 --> 00:07:43,560 Any guess? 156 00:07:51,096 --> 00:07:54,620 So, 10, 100, a million. 157 00:07:54,620 --> 00:07:55,790 AUDIENCE: Order of 1,000? 158 00:07:55,790 --> 00:07:56,170 ELIZABETH NOLAN: Pardon? 159 00:07:56,170 --> 00:07:57,462 AUDIENCE: Order of like, 1,000? 160 00:07:57,462 --> 00:08:00,750 ELIZABETH NOLAN: Yeah, let's say 1,000 times 15 or 20. 161 00:08:00,750 --> 00:08:04,430 So there's about 15,000 to 20,000 ribosomes 162 00:08:04,430 --> 00:08:06,620 in one E. coli cell. 163 00:08:06,620 --> 00:08:09,740 And as we'll see in Friday's lecture, 164 00:08:09,740 --> 00:08:12,360 the ribosome is very large. 165 00:08:12,360 --> 00:08:13,520 How did they all fit? 166 00:08:13,520 --> 00:08:15,350 And there's not only the ribosomes, 167 00:08:15,350 --> 00:08:17,090 but there's many, many other players, 168 00:08:17,090 --> 00:08:19,315 just as noted here in this cartoon. 169 00:08:21,920 --> 00:08:23,930 So you can think about what does that mean 170 00:08:23,930 --> 00:08:25,880 in terms of concentrations. 171 00:08:25,880 --> 00:08:28,790 We'll bring up concentrations of biomolecules in the cell 172 00:08:28,790 --> 00:08:30,740 throughout this course, and what does it 173 00:08:30,740 --> 00:08:36,590 mean having them packaged together so much here? 174 00:08:36,590 --> 00:08:40,159 So, very different than the test tube. 175 00:08:40,159 --> 00:08:43,429 Our goals, some of which I think have 176 00:08:43,429 --> 00:08:46,460 been communicated by me so far. 177 00:08:46,460 --> 00:08:49,130 But just to emphasize, we're interested 178 00:08:49,130 --> 00:08:51,800 in these macromolecular machines and chemical 179 00:08:51,800 --> 00:08:54,770 processes responsible for life. 180 00:08:54,770 --> 00:08:56,480 We hope by the end of this course, 181 00:08:56,480 --> 00:09:00,950 everyone gains an appreciation for the complexity of life, 182 00:09:00,950 --> 00:09:04,730 and our current understanding of the topics 183 00:09:04,730 --> 00:09:07,430 we present to you this spring. 184 00:09:07,430 --> 00:09:10,580 There's close links between basic fundamental research 185 00:09:10,580 --> 00:09:15,290 and medicine, and technology development as well. 186 00:09:15,290 --> 00:09:18,350 Understanding the experimental basis 187 00:09:18,350 --> 00:09:21,710 for understanding, methods and hypotheses. 188 00:09:21,710 --> 00:09:25,790 And what we think is something that we hope to achieve, 189 00:09:25,790 --> 00:09:28,160 and that you can bring to other places 190 00:09:28,160 --> 00:09:31,400 after this course is really to be able to knowledgeably 191 00:09:31,400 --> 00:09:35,060 and critically evaluate methods and results, especially 192 00:09:35,060 --> 00:09:36,440 primary data. 193 00:09:36,440 --> 00:09:39,860 And we also hope that we convince you 194 00:09:39,860 --> 00:09:42,170 that biological chemistry is really 195 00:09:42,170 --> 00:09:44,060 thought provoking and fun, and hope 196 00:09:44,060 --> 00:09:47,100 you all think that right now as well. 197 00:09:47,100 --> 00:09:50,550 So what are the actual topics we're going to cover? 198 00:09:50,550 --> 00:09:53,810 We organized this course into modules, 199 00:09:53,810 --> 00:09:57,260 and these modules are listed here. 200 00:09:57,260 --> 00:10:00,170 And different modules will have different numbers 201 00:10:00,170 --> 00:10:02,360 of lectures dedicated to them. 202 00:10:02,360 --> 00:10:06,320 But where we'll go between now and spring break-- 203 00:10:06,320 --> 00:10:09,710 I'll present to you during these weeks-- 204 00:10:09,710 --> 00:10:14,300 is that we're going to focus on the lifecycle of a protein 205 00:10:14,300 --> 00:10:15,860 for the first three modules. 206 00:10:15,860 --> 00:10:18,620 And many of you are familiar with aspects of this. 207 00:10:18,620 --> 00:10:21,050 We're going to present these topics, 208 00:10:21,050 --> 00:10:23,900 I think, a bit differently than what you've seen before. 209 00:10:23,900 --> 00:10:26,700 Again, very much from the standpoint 210 00:10:26,700 --> 00:10:30,470 of experimental methods and hypothesis testing. 211 00:10:30,470 --> 00:10:33,200 So we'll cover protein synthesis, 212 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:36,650 doing a careful case study of the ribosome. 213 00:10:36,650 --> 00:10:38,720 We'll continue with protein folding. 214 00:10:38,720 --> 00:10:41,420 So asking the question, after the ribosome 215 00:10:41,420 --> 00:10:45,470 synthesizes a polypeptide chain, how does that polypeptide 216 00:10:45,470 --> 00:10:48,500 assemble into its native form? 217 00:10:48,500 --> 00:10:51,500 What happens when proteins are misfolded? 218 00:10:51,500 --> 00:10:54,200 And then we'll move into protein degradation, 219 00:10:54,200 --> 00:10:58,700 and we'll look at proteases and machines that are involved 220 00:10:58,700 --> 00:11:01,640 in proteolytic degradation. 221 00:11:01,640 --> 00:11:04,160 And where we'll close the first half 222 00:11:04,160 --> 00:11:07,880 is with module four, which is on synthases, 223 00:11:07,880 --> 00:11:11,210 or often called assembly-line enzymology. 224 00:11:11,210 --> 00:11:14,810 And this is a different type of template-driven polymerization 225 00:11:14,810 --> 00:11:18,440 that's involved in the synthesis of natural products. 226 00:11:18,440 --> 00:11:20,570 And then after spring break, Professor Stubbe 227 00:11:20,570 --> 00:11:22,970 will take over, and the focus will 228 00:11:22,970 --> 00:11:27,080 be on cellular processes that involve homeostasis, 229 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:29,330 metabolism, and signaling. 230 00:11:29,330 --> 00:11:34,910 And so these topics will involve cholesterol biosynthesis, 231 00:11:34,910 --> 00:11:38,230 and a type of molecule called terpene. 232 00:11:38,230 --> 00:11:41,240 And so a third way to make a carbon-carbon bond 233 00:11:41,240 --> 00:11:43,340 will be introduced in this section. 234 00:11:43,340 --> 00:11:46,220 So you've heard about Claisen and Aldol condensations 235 00:11:46,220 --> 00:11:50,840 in prior biochemistry courses, this will be another route. 236 00:11:50,840 --> 00:11:54,210 And then, we both love metals and biology, 237 00:11:54,210 --> 00:11:57,350 so there's a whole field of bioinorganic chemistry, 238 00:11:57,350 --> 00:12:01,340 and it will be introduced to you here with iron homeostasis 239 00:12:01,340 --> 00:12:03,980 as a case study. 240 00:12:03,980 --> 00:12:07,460 And moving from here, and something quite related, 241 00:12:07,460 --> 00:12:09,590 involves reactive oxygen species. 242 00:12:09,590 --> 00:12:13,460 So I'm sure you've all heard about these somewhere, maybe 243 00:12:13,460 --> 00:12:16,340 in the news, maybe from your lab work. 244 00:12:16,340 --> 00:12:19,340 What are these reactive oxygen species? 245 00:12:19,340 --> 00:12:20,720 Are they all reactive? 246 00:12:20,720 --> 00:12:23,300 What kind of chemistry do they do in a cell? 247 00:12:23,300 --> 00:12:26,630 How do we study that here? 248 00:12:26,630 --> 00:12:30,340 And then, of course, we'll close with a section, 249 00:12:30,340 --> 00:12:36,020 a module on nucleotide and deoxynucleotide metabolism-- 250 00:12:36,020 --> 00:12:38,480 excuse me-- as well as regulation. 251 00:12:38,480 --> 00:12:41,430 And then an integration of course concepts. 252 00:12:41,430 --> 00:12:44,840 So we have a lot of exciting topics and exciting things 253 00:12:44,840 --> 00:12:47,720 to tell you about. 254 00:12:47,720 --> 00:12:49,760 In terms of level of understanding 255 00:12:49,760 --> 00:12:54,910 for this course, as I said, many of these systems are complex. 256 00:12:54,910 --> 00:12:58,180 We're going to look at huge macromolecular machines, 257 00:12:58,180 --> 00:13:00,640 and multi-step processes. 258 00:13:00,640 --> 00:13:03,160 This is a biochemistry course, and we 259 00:13:03,160 --> 00:13:06,640 are interested in molecular level, in addition 260 00:13:06,640 --> 00:13:08,480 to this big picture. 261 00:13:08,480 --> 00:13:13,440 And so things to keep in mind when thinking about structure. 262 00:13:13,440 --> 00:13:15,640 You need to think about the amino acids, 263 00:13:15,640 --> 00:13:20,290 and please review these if you're a bit rusty. 264 00:13:20,290 --> 00:13:24,640 So to know the side chains, PKAs, et cetera, that's 265 00:13:24,640 --> 00:13:27,670 all important to have in mind. 266 00:13:27,670 --> 00:13:29,710 What are the protein folds? 267 00:13:29,710 --> 00:13:31,960 What are the arrangements of these macromolecular 268 00:13:31,960 --> 00:13:35,680 assemblies, and how do we study that? 269 00:13:35,680 --> 00:13:37,990 In terms of reactivity, we'll see 270 00:13:37,990 --> 00:13:40,520 bond-breaking and bond-forming reactions. 271 00:13:40,520 --> 00:13:44,140 So again, we need to think about things like PKAs, nucleophiles, 272 00:13:44,140 --> 00:13:46,060 and electrophiles. 273 00:13:46,060 --> 00:13:49,090 If you need to brush up, organic chemistry textbook 274 00:13:49,090 --> 00:13:52,800 or biochemistry textbook is a good place to go. 275 00:13:52,800 --> 00:13:56,410 And then something to keep in mind is dynamics. 276 00:13:56,410 --> 00:14:00,220 So the macromolecular structures and enzymes and proteins 277 00:14:00,220 --> 00:14:01,900 we'll look at are dynamic. 278 00:14:01,900 --> 00:14:05,140 Often we only have a static picture or some number 279 00:14:05,140 --> 00:14:06,910 of static pictures. 280 00:14:06,910 --> 00:14:09,310 But there's conformational change, 281 00:14:09,310 --> 00:14:11,320 transient binding occurs, and we always 282 00:14:11,320 --> 00:14:13,220 need to think about kinetics. 283 00:14:13,220 --> 00:14:15,430 So these are things just to keep in mind when you're 284 00:14:15,430 --> 00:14:18,700 reading and questioning to yourself about any given 285 00:14:18,700 --> 00:14:21,670 system here. 286 00:14:21,670 --> 00:14:25,570 So what about experimental methods? 287 00:14:25,570 --> 00:14:31,180 This is just another topic to go over in this course overview. 288 00:14:31,180 --> 00:14:36,010 So there's many methods that come up in 5.08. 289 00:14:36,010 --> 00:14:38,530 And we don't expect that you have 290 00:14:38,530 --> 00:14:42,700 knowledge of any or all of these at the stage of starting 291 00:14:42,700 --> 00:14:44,200 the course. 292 00:14:44,200 --> 00:14:47,350 The difficulty that comes up is that we can't introduce 293 00:14:47,350 --> 00:14:49,780 all of these methods to you at once 294 00:14:49,780 --> 00:14:54,940 in a level of detail that's needed for everything we do. 295 00:14:54,940 --> 00:14:57,940 OK, so what will happen is that if methods come up 296 00:14:57,940 --> 00:15:00,750 in problem sets that haven't yet been addressed, 297 00:15:00,750 --> 00:15:02,920 we'll give you enough background information 298 00:15:02,920 --> 00:15:05,320 in the problems that material, such that you 299 00:15:05,320 --> 00:15:09,700 can think about the questions and answer them. 300 00:15:09,700 --> 00:15:12,400 And we'll let you know when a method comes up. 301 00:15:12,400 --> 00:15:14,530 You know, you'll hear this in recitation x, 302 00:15:14,530 --> 00:15:17,560 or we'll talk about it more in class. 303 00:15:17,560 --> 00:15:20,110 So right now, what I'd like to do 304 00:15:20,110 --> 00:15:22,180 is just go over a few of the methods 305 00:15:22,180 --> 00:15:26,110 that you're going to see multiple times. 306 00:15:26,110 --> 00:15:31,660 And the thing to keep in mind is that the context in which 307 00:15:31,660 --> 00:15:34,690 these methods are being used may differ, 308 00:15:34,690 --> 00:15:39,270 but the underlying principles are the same. 309 00:15:39,270 --> 00:15:42,340 And we choose methods that are being used today, 310 00:15:42,340 --> 00:15:43,780 and are important. 311 00:15:43,780 --> 00:15:46,300 Some of these were developed decades ago, some of these 312 00:15:46,300 --> 00:15:49,480 are very, very new, and hot off the press. 313 00:15:49,480 --> 00:15:53,290 So if it's an older paper, please don't brush it off as, 314 00:15:53,290 --> 00:15:55,300 like, oh, this is old. 315 00:15:55,300 --> 00:15:57,940 And so, you know, it's not new. 316 00:15:57,940 --> 00:16:01,510 We're all really excited by technology and everything here, 317 00:16:01,510 --> 00:16:05,020 but many of these older methods are robust, 318 00:16:05,020 --> 00:16:07,630 and used all the time here. 319 00:16:07,630 --> 00:16:11,280 So what are some methods and tools 320 00:16:11,280 --> 00:16:13,030 that we'll have under our belt? 321 00:16:18,880 --> 00:16:21,400 The first to point out are methods involved 322 00:16:21,400 --> 00:16:23,050 in macromolecular structure. 323 00:16:34,900 --> 00:16:37,450 So we care a lot about structure, 324 00:16:37,450 --> 00:16:40,090 because we need structural understanding 325 00:16:40,090 --> 00:16:44,050 to be able to comprehend how these systems work. 326 00:16:44,050 --> 00:16:46,690 And so one method we'll see a lot-- 327 00:16:46,690 --> 00:16:49,420 and you'll discuss in recitation this week-- 328 00:16:49,420 --> 00:16:51,400 is x-ray crystallography. 329 00:16:58,270 --> 00:17:01,420 And in addition, a method that will come up quite a bit-- 330 00:17:01,420 --> 00:17:03,790 and we'll see both of these in the initial discussions 331 00:17:03,790 --> 00:17:05,500 of the ribosome-- 332 00:17:05,500 --> 00:17:07,050 is electron microscopy. 333 00:17:15,640 --> 00:17:18,990 And another method to be aware of-- and if you're curious, 334 00:17:18,990 --> 00:17:22,000 talk to your TA, Shiva-- 335 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:23,579 is NMR. 336 00:17:23,579 --> 00:17:27,940 OK, so NMR has a lot of applications 337 00:17:27,940 --> 00:17:30,820 here within biological chemistry, 338 00:17:30,820 --> 00:17:33,700 but we won't discuss that. 339 00:17:33,700 --> 00:17:37,930 What can go along with methods is bioinformatics. 340 00:17:48,100 --> 00:17:51,970 So how many of you have used BLAST? 341 00:17:51,970 --> 00:17:53,770 How many of you know what BLAST stands for? 342 00:17:56,277 --> 00:17:58,110 AUDIENCE: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. 343 00:17:58,110 --> 00:18:01,060 ELIZABETH NOLAN: Yeah, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. 344 00:18:01,060 --> 00:18:03,960 So what does this let you do? 345 00:18:07,880 --> 00:18:11,510 It lets you find regions of similarity between sequences, 346 00:18:11,510 --> 00:18:13,970 whether that's amino acid sequence, 347 00:18:13,970 --> 00:18:16,140 a nucleotide sequence. 348 00:18:16,140 --> 00:18:20,030 And you can use that information to make hypotheses and design 349 00:18:20,030 --> 00:18:23,090 experiments there. 350 00:18:23,090 --> 00:18:24,020 So that will come up. 351 00:18:26,720 --> 00:18:30,710 I have additional methods and possibilities. 352 00:18:30,710 --> 00:18:32,090 What about fluorescence? 353 00:18:41,350 --> 00:18:44,890 So how many of you have done an experiment that 354 00:18:44,890 --> 00:18:49,360 involves fluorescence, either in lab, or in your research? 355 00:18:49,360 --> 00:18:53,890 How many, did that involve a fluorescent protein? 356 00:18:53,890 --> 00:18:57,300 What about a small molecule? 357 00:18:57,300 --> 00:18:59,530 Yeah. 358 00:18:59,530 --> 00:19:00,400 That's fluorescent. 359 00:19:00,400 --> 00:19:03,130 So have you thought about why the protein was 360 00:19:03,130 --> 00:19:07,540 used, versus maybe why a small molecule, and what 361 00:19:07,540 --> 00:19:09,490 are inherent strengths and limitations or one 362 00:19:09,490 --> 00:19:13,180 or the other, depending what you want to do? 363 00:19:13,180 --> 00:19:17,530 So fluorescence is used in many, many different contexts. 364 00:19:17,530 --> 00:19:21,410 We can think about proteins like green fluorescent protein, 365 00:19:21,410 --> 00:19:23,400 we can think about using small molecules. 366 00:19:28,750 --> 00:19:32,170 And we like fluorescence because it allows us to see. 367 00:19:32,170 --> 00:19:36,490 We can get visual information. 368 00:19:36,490 --> 00:19:39,890 And so, where fluorescence will first come up in this class 369 00:19:39,890 --> 00:19:42,280 is with the ribosome. 370 00:19:42,280 --> 00:19:44,830 And in recitation week two, there'll 371 00:19:44,830 --> 00:19:48,370 be some discussion about using small molecule fluorophores 372 00:19:48,370 --> 00:19:51,310 to label tRNAs, and using fluorescence 373 00:19:51,310 --> 00:19:54,980 as a readout of steps in the translation process. 374 00:19:54,980 --> 00:19:58,160 And there's a lot of considerations and caveats 375 00:19:58,160 --> 00:19:58,660 to that. 376 00:19:58,660 --> 00:19:59,890 Do we have a pizza delivery? 377 00:19:59,890 --> 00:20:01,840 Thank goodness no. 378 00:20:01,840 --> 00:20:04,220 Often in this class, we get pizza deliveries for someone 379 00:20:04,220 --> 00:20:04,720 else. 380 00:20:04,720 --> 00:20:07,520 I didn't know if that's already starting. 381 00:20:07,520 --> 00:20:09,760 Yeah, yeah. 382 00:20:09,760 --> 00:20:13,900 We'll also see GFP being used in the proteasome section 383 00:20:13,900 --> 00:20:15,080 for degradation. 384 00:20:15,080 --> 00:20:17,640 So a folded protein has fluorescence, 385 00:20:17,640 --> 00:20:21,227 a degraded protein does not. 386 00:20:21,227 --> 00:20:22,060 What about kinetics? 387 00:20:30,050 --> 00:20:35,230 So what different types of kinetic studies can be done? 388 00:20:35,230 --> 00:20:38,420 So what do we all hear about in introductory biochemistry 389 00:20:38,420 --> 00:20:38,920 class? 390 00:20:46,630 --> 00:20:47,570 Pardon? 391 00:20:47,570 --> 00:20:48,550 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 392 00:20:48,550 --> 00:20:50,717 ELIZABETH NOLAN: Yeah, steady state kinetics, right? 393 00:20:50,717 --> 00:20:51,830 Turnover. 394 00:20:51,830 --> 00:20:58,510 So we have steady state, which I encourage you to review 395 00:20:58,510 --> 00:21:02,080 Michaelis-Mentin Kinetics here. 396 00:21:02,080 --> 00:21:05,500 And you'll also be introduced in the first weeks 397 00:21:05,500 --> 00:21:08,500 of this course, and especially recitation three-- 398 00:21:08,500 --> 00:21:11,710 so recitation two is going to build up to this-- 399 00:21:11,710 --> 00:21:12,910 pre-steady state kinetics. 400 00:21:24,870 --> 00:21:29,550 So here, you've heard about this in 5.07 401 00:21:29,550 --> 00:21:33,030 or another course, introductory course. 402 00:21:33,030 --> 00:21:37,650 And we're looking at multiple turnover of an enzyme. 403 00:21:41,260 --> 00:21:45,260 And these experiments are set up with an excess of substrate, 404 00:21:45,260 --> 00:21:47,170 right, in order to afford conditions 405 00:21:47,170 --> 00:21:48,430 that allow multiple turnover. 406 00:21:57,440 --> 00:22:00,620 So there's formation of an enzyme substrate complex, 407 00:22:00,620 --> 00:22:02,750 and then there's product formation. 408 00:22:02,750 --> 00:22:04,610 So review as needed. 409 00:22:04,610 --> 00:22:09,230 So what about pre-steady state kinetics? 410 00:22:09,230 --> 00:22:13,990 How many of you are familiar with this method? 411 00:22:13,990 --> 00:22:14,740 Not so much. 412 00:22:14,740 --> 00:22:16,225 So what does the name suggest? 413 00:22:20,084 --> 00:22:20,584 Pardon? 414 00:22:25,682 --> 00:22:27,890 JOANNE STUBBE: So I'm deaf, you have to speak louder. 415 00:22:27,890 --> 00:22:29,680 ELIZABETH NOLAN: Yeah, we're both deaf. 416 00:22:29,798 --> 00:22:31,090 JOANNE STUBBE: I'm really deaf. 417 00:22:31,090 --> 00:22:33,310 So if you want to say something, so I can hear it. 418 00:22:35,880 --> 00:22:36,742 Speak up. 419 00:22:36,742 --> 00:22:38,700 AUDIENCE: Yeah, maybe observing single molecule 420 00:22:38,700 --> 00:22:40,180 by some spectroscopy. 421 00:22:40,180 --> 00:22:42,310 ELIZABETH NOLAN: Yeah, a single turnover, maybe, I 422 00:22:42,310 --> 00:22:43,560 think is what. 423 00:22:43,560 --> 00:22:45,460 If we're having multiple turnovers here 424 00:22:45,460 --> 00:22:47,380 in the steady state, right? 425 00:22:47,380 --> 00:22:49,150 If we're before the steady state, 426 00:22:49,150 --> 00:22:51,700 what does that mean, right? 427 00:22:51,700 --> 00:22:53,530 It means we're in the initial, really 428 00:22:53,530 --> 00:22:56,950 initial part of this reaction, where we're looking 429 00:22:56,950 --> 00:22:58,435 at a single turnover here. 430 00:23:02,130 --> 00:23:03,255 And how would you do this? 431 00:23:06,040 --> 00:23:11,610 Basically, you look with subs having limiting substrate 432 00:23:11,610 --> 00:23:14,880 rather than excess substrate. 433 00:23:14,880 --> 00:23:20,040 And this is just to give a little prelude 434 00:23:20,040 --> 00:23:23,850 in terms of thinking about experimental design. 435 00:23:23,850 --> 00:23:27,735 So here, look at the first moments of a reaction. 436 00:23:34,920 --> 00:23:39,168 So what type of time scale is that? 437 00:23:39,168 --> 00:23:40,032 AUDIENCE: Small. 438 00:23:40,032 --> 00:23:41,710 ELIZABETH NOLAN: Yeah, small. 439 00:23:41,710 --> 00:23:46,390 Maybe a millisecond time scale, compared to a timescale 440 00:23:46,390 --> 00:23:48,850 of seconds or minutes. 441 00:23:48,850 --> 00:23:50,120 So what does that mean? 442 00:23:50,120 --> 00:23:53,400 It means you need some different experimental setup. 443 00:23:53,400 --> 00:23:55,420 You can't do pre-steady state kinetics 444 00:23:55,420 --> 00:23:58,480 in the way we've done steady state kinetics, say in a lab 445 00:23:58,480 --> 00:24:00,420 class for instance. 446 00:24:00,420 --> 00:24:02,570 So you need a special apparatus. 447 00:24:02,570 --> 00:24:06,700 And what does it let you see? 448 00:24:06,700 --> 00:24:11,460 Here you're looking at multiple turnover, products forming. 449 00:24:11,460 --> 00:24:15,430 You know, here in the early stages, what can you see? 450 00:24:15,430 --> 00:24:18,970 Maybe intermediate formation. 451 00:24:18,970 --> 00:24:22,690 And why might that be important for thinking about mechanism? 452 00:24:22,690 --> 00:24:25,360 So those will come up in the first weeks of recitation. 453 00:24:28,380 --> 00:24:33,240 Another topic that will come up, and is something 454 00:24:33,240 --> 00:24:37,470 that you always need to think about, and relates 455 00:24:37,470 --> 00:24:42,360 to integrity of materials, is that of purification. 456 00:24:42,360 --> 00:24:45,240 So how are proteins purified. 457 00:24:45,240 --> 00:24:48,630 For studying the ribosome, how do we 458 00:24:48,630 --> 00:24:52,770 get ribosomes that are pure and are correct? 459 00:24:52,770 --> 00:24:55,680 Or what if you'd like to use a mutant ribosome? 460 00:24:55,680 --> 00:24:59,610 How does that get generated? 461 00:24:59,610 --> 00:25:09,390 So here, you can talk about ribosome or protein 462 00:25:09,390 --> 00:25:12,530 purification. 463 00:25:12,530 --> 00:25:17,610 And so, I'll present to you on ribosomes and mutant ribosomes 464 00:25:17,610 --> 00:25:19,780 in week four of recitation. 465 00:25:19,780 --> 00:25:23,340 And this topic more generally of proteins 466 00:25:23,340 --> 00:25:26,610 will come up in passing again and again. 467 00:25:26,610 --> 00:25:30,860 So how many of you have purified a protein? 468 00:25:30,860 --> 00:25:31,360 Many. 469 00:25:31,360 --> 00:25:33,370 How many of you used an affinity tag? 470 00:25:36,800 --> 00:25:38,950 So are they the answer to all problems? 471 00:25:41,920 --> 00:25:42,420 No. 472 00:25:42,420 --> 00:25:46,860 They can be a huge help, but they can also be problematic 473 00:25:46,860 --> 00:25:48,480 in one way or another, right? 474 00:25:48,480 --> 00:25:50,790 So with the ribosome we'll look at a case 475 00:25:50,790 --> 00:25:53,310 where there was really some elegant work done 476 00:25:53,310 --> 00:25:57,960 using an affinity tag approach to allow researchers 477 00:25:57,960 --> 00:26:00,510 to obtain new ribosomes. 478 00:26:00,510 --> 00:26:02,760 We'll also, though, talk about the limitations 479 00:26:02,760 --> 00:26:04,732 of that type of methodology, and the things 480 00:26:04,732 --> 00:26:06,690 you need to think about if you're doing protein 481 00:26:06,690 --> 00:26:11,100 biochemistry, and how a tag may affect your experiments 482 00:26:11,100 --> 00:26:14,370 and data there. 483 00:26:14,370 --> 00:26:29,470 In addition, to think about is assay development, 484 00:26:29,470 --> 00:26:30,580 and analytical methods. 485 00:26:40,460 --> 00:26:44,630 And so there will be many different types of assays that 486 00:26:44,630 --> 00:26:47,360 are presented in this course. 487 00:26:47,360 --> 00:26:49,610 And something just to think about-- 488 00:26:49,610 --> 00:26:55,180 how do you develop the right assay, and what 489 00:26:55,180 --> 00:26:59,170 are all the considerations? 490 00:26:59,170 --> 00:27:03,310 How do you know your assay is a good one for the question you 491 00:27:03,310 --> 00:27:05,500 want to address there? 492 00:27:05,500 --> 00:27:08,510 This is actually really complicated. 493 00:27:08,510 --> 00:27:11,860 And so there'll be some case studies 494 00:27:11,860 --> 00:27:14,050 that come up in the course, but just more broadly 495 00:27:14,050 --> 00:27:14,710 to think about. 496 00:27:14,710 --> 00:27:18,250 So often in lab classes, you may have an assay, 497 00:27:18,250 --> 00:27:21,550 but you might not be aware of all of the considerations that 498 00:27:21,550 --> 00:27:27,430 went into actually developing that assay such that it works. 499 00:27:27,430 --> 00:27:29,410 And then there's the analytical methods 500 00:27:29,410 --> 00:27:32,020 that are used, either for analyzing 501 00:27:32,020 --> 00:27:34,790 assay data or other data. 502 00:27:34,790 --> 00:27:37,540 And again, these have strengths and limitations. 503 00:27:37,540 --> 00:27:47,500 Just some that will come up, to present western blots 504 00:27:47,500 --> 00:27:49,070 and immunoprecipitation. 505 00:27:57,120 --> 00:27:59,670 So these methods involve antibodies, 506 00:27:59,670 --> 00:28:05,490 and so we need to think about the antibodies themselves here. 507 00:28:05,490 --> 00:28:06,660 Radioactivity. 508 00:28:12,670 --> 00:28:15,450 OK, how does this work? 509 00:28:15,450 --> 00:28:19,040 Why do biochemists like to use radioactivity and assay 510 00:28:19,040 --> 00:28:19,850 development? 511 00:28:19,850 --> 00:28:23,450 And how to think about this productively and correctly. 512 00:28:23,450 --> 00:28:31,160 So should you be afraid of iron-55, yes or no? 513 00:28:31,160 --> 00:28:34,160 How does that exposure compare to being in an airplane, 514 00:28:34,160 --> 00:28:36,500 for instance. 515 00:28:36,500 --> 00:28:39,500 Seriously, because there's a lot of fear associated 516 00:28:39,500 --> 00:28:42,500 with radioactivity that may or may not be well-founded, 517 00:28:42,500 --> 00:28:44,930 depending on what you're doing. 518 00:28:44,930 --> 00:28:47,840 And so this gives us a lot of sensitivity. 519 00:28:47,840 --> 00:28:50,750 And JoAnne will talk in week two of recitation 520 00:28:50,750 --> 00:28:54,170 about radioactivity, and designing experiments 521 00:28:54,170 --> 00:28:58,160 that use this as a read out. 522 00:28:58,160 --> 00:28:59,150 What else? 523 00:28:59,150 --> 00:29:00,740 So affinity measurements. 524 00:29:10,380 --> 00:29:14,580 OK, so dissociation constants, or affinity constants, 525 00:29:14,580 --> 00:29:17,460 how are these measured? 526 00:29:17,460 --> 00:29:20,790 When reading the literature, is the value a good one, 527 00:29:20,790 --> 00:29:25,410 or a not-so-good one, and how can you make that distinction? 528 00:29:25,410 --> 00:29:26,870 Mass spec and proteomics. 529 00:29:35,740 --> 00:29:37,950 So these will be in the later half of the class-- 530 00:29:37,950 --> 00:29:41,020 I believe recitations 11 and 12-- 531 00:29:41,020 --> 00:29:42,700 and many others. 532 00:29:42,700 --> 00:29:44,800 And we're introducing CRISPR this year, 533 00:29:44,800 --> 00:29:48,880 in the context of the cholesterol unit as well. 534 00:29:48,880 --> 00:29:52,120 So as I said, we can't take care of all of these methods 535 00:29:52,120 --> 00:29:53,670 immediately. 536 00:29:53,670 --> 00:29:55,420 We'll let you know when they're coming up, 537 00:29:55,420 --> 00:30:00,370 when you need to know more details about them as we 538 00:30:00,370 --> 00:30:05,320 go through the course here for that. 539 00:30:05,320 --> 00:30:08,560 So we can get started. 540 00:30:08,560 --> 00:30:11,410 And in the last few minutes, what 541 00:30:11,410 --> 00:30:16,900 I'll do is just give you a brief overview of the macromolecular 542 00:30:16,900 --> 00:30:22,390 machines we'll look at through modules one through three. 543 00:30:25,190 --> 00:30:28,020 And basically, what is the big picture? 544 00:30:28,020 --> 00:30:30,890 And then we're going to break that down 545 00:30:30,890 --> 00:30:34,110 into looking at individual components. 546 00:30:34,110 --> 00:30:44,210 So if we think about the lifecycle of a protein, 547 00:30:44,210 --> 00:30:49,520 basically, we'll fast forward to having mRNA from transcription 548 00:30:49,520 --> 00:30:52,250 of the genetic code. 549 00:30:52,250 --> 00:30:55,040 And then we have the macromolecular machine, 550 00:30:55,040 --> 00:31:02,950 the ribosome that allows for translation of this method 551 00:31:02,950 --> 00:31:04,925 message to give us a polypeptide chain. 552 00:31:10,070 --> 00:31:14,180 So some linear sequence of amino acids. 553 00:31:14,180 --> 00:31:16,550 And then what happens? 554 00:31:16,550 --> 00:31:18,770 We need to get from a polypeptide chain 555 00:31:18,770 --> 00:31:20,750 to some functional unit. 556 00:31:20,750 --> 00:31:26,390 And so there's a whole number of interesting players 557 00:31:26,390 --> 00:31:29,600 that are involved in protein folding. 558 00:31:29,600 --> 00:31:40,470 So we have folding, which is enabled by chaperones, 559 00:31:40,470 --> 00:31:44,560 is what we call these proteins that facilitate folding. 560 00:31:44,560 --> 00:31:50,230 And that's going to give us some structure that 561 00:31:50,230 --> 00:31:56,930 has some function here. 562 00:31:56,930 --> 00:32:00,920 And this protein has some lifetime in the cell. 563 00:32:00,920 --> 00:32:03,200 So at some time, for some reason, 564 00:32:03,200 --> 00:32:07,220 it will be time for this protein to get degraded. 565 00:32:07,220 --> 00:32:09,620 In which case, we need machinery that 566 00:32:09,620 --> 00:32:14,330 will facilitate the process to break down this folded protein 567 00:32:14,330 --> 00:32:16,190 into smaller fragments-- whether that 568 00:32:16,190 --> 00:32:19,700 be individual amino acids, or short polypeptide chains 569 00:32:19,700 --> 00:32:22,520 of seven to eight amino acids. 570 00:32:22,520 --> 00:32:33,990 So from here, we have degradation 571 00:32:33,990 --> 00:32:38,070 to give us small fragments. 572 00:32:38,070 --> 00:32:44,970 And the players here are proteases and chambers of doom, 573 00:32:44,970 --> 00:32:46,620 one of which is the proteasome. 574 00:32:51,290 --> 00:32:52,850 And actually, I forgot to mention 575 00:32:52,850 --> 00:32:56,690 there will be a second guest lecturer in recitation 576 00:32:56,690 --> 00:32:59,570 this year, Reuben Saunders, who is a senior, 577 00:32:59,570 --> 00:33:01,670 and does research in the Sauer Lab 578 00:33:01,670 --> 00:33:05,150 on one of these chambers of doom, called ClpXP. 579 00:33:05,150 --> 00:33:08,000 And so he'll present on single molecule methods, 580 00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:11,570 and fluorescence methods to study how this degradation 581 00:33:11,570 --> 00:33:12,310 chamber works. 582 00:33:12,310 --> 00:33:13,790 So that will be really exciting. 583 00:33:13,790 --> 00:33:16,950 He was a student in our course two years ago. 584 00:33:16,950 --> 00:33:18,750 So let's just take a look. 585 00:33:18,750 --> 00:33:20,480 We have the ribosome here. 586 00:33:23,290 --> 00:33:27,310 What are the structural features of this macromolecular machine, 587 00:33:27,310 --> 00:33:29,140 and how does it do its job? 588 00:33:29,140 --> 00:33:33,100 We'll look at a number of seminal studies that were done. 589 00:33:33,100 --> 00:33:37,300 And it is truly fascinating and incredible. 590 00:33:37,300 --> 00:33:39,670 What about protein folding? 591 00:33:39,670 --> 00:33:43,730 So look at this macromolecular machine here, 592 00:33:43,730 --> 00:33:47,650 GroEL, GroES, look at how big this is. 593 00:33:47,650 --> 00:33:56,320 So how does this chaperone allow some nascent polypeptide 594 00:33:56,320 --> 00:33:58,750 that's unfolded or partially folded 595 00:33:58,750 --> 00:34:01,510 to obtain its native structure? 596 00:34:01,510 --> 00:34:04,210 And there is many details in this depiction here 597 00:34:04,210 --> 00:34:06,160 that probably aren't apparent yet. 598 00:34:06,160 --> 00:34:12,610 But by the time we're done with module two, it will be there. 599 00:34:12,610 --> 00:34:14,929 Protein degradation. 600 00:34:14,929 --> 00:34:22,120 So here is just a cartoon-type depiction of a chamber of doom 601 00:34:22,120 --> 00:34:26,920 and its accessory protein from E. coli, ClpZ, ClpP. 602 00:34:26,920 --> 00:34:29,290 So look, we have a folded protein here, it's 603 00:34:29,290 --> 00:34:33,340 a beta barrel, our friend GFP that emits green light. 604 00:34:33,340 --> 00:34:37,719 And somehow, this protein gets threaded through ClpX, 605 00:34:37,719 --> 00:34:39,400 enters this chamber-- 606 00:34:39,400 --> 00:34:41,560 which has multiple protease active sites-- 607 00:34:41,560 --> 00:34:44,440 and that protein gets all degraded. 608 00:34:44,440 --> 00:34:46,159 So how does this work? 609 00:34:46,159 --> 00:34:50,620 How did ClpX and P work together to allow degradation 610 00:34:50,620 --> 00:34:53,920 of this condemned protein? 611 00:34:53,920 --> 00:34:56,350 And then finally, where I'll close is on something 612 00:34:56,350 --> 00:34:59,140 I think a little bit different for most everyone, 613 00:34:59,140 --> 00:35:02,590 and it's a type of template-driven polymerization 614 00:35:02,590 --> 00:35:05,170 involved in the synthesis of small molecules 615 00:35:05,170 --> 00:35:07,420 like penicillins and erythromycins. 616 00:35:07,420 --> 00:35:09,880 So these are antibiotics. 617 00:35:09,880 --> 00:35:13,420 So how do we get at molecules like these 618 00:35:13,420 --> 00:35:16,390 from simple amino acid precursors, 619 00:35:16,390 --> 00:35:20,860 or precursors like those you've seen in fatty acid biosynthesis 620 00:35:20,860 --> 00:35:21,640 here? 621 00:35:21,640 --> 00:35:25,343 And often, these are described as assembly lines. 622 00:35:25,343 --> 00:35:27,760 And something we'll just need to keep in mind in this unit 623 00:35:27,760 --> 00:35:31,090 is, are these proteins really acting like an assembly line, 624 00:35:31,090 --> 00:35:34,690 or is this just a way to help us think about the templates 625 00:35:34,690 --> 00:35:36,160 and what's going on here? 626 00:35:36,160 --> 00:35:38,290 So that's where we'll close. 627 00:35:38,290 --> 00:35:41,350 OK, so with that I'll finish up, and on Friday 628 00:35:41,350 --> 00:35:43,780 we'll begin with looking at the structure 629 00:35:43,780 --> 00:35:46,740 of the prokaryotic ribosome.